Thursday, March 29, 2007

Myrtle Beach Birthday Trip

Happy Birthday Sara! So, today we went to Myrtle Beach with Rory's Mom. It was fun. It was a dreary day though, so we just went to the aquarium, ate lunch, and walked in the rain to my favorite salt water taffy place. It was a fun day. Then we came home and Rory's Uncle and a friend arrived. We had a dinner of buffalo wings, homemade crab dip, jalapeno poppers, and pot stickers. It was delicious.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


This is a little fox at the North Carolina Zoo. It only has 3 legs. While we were looking at it, a little boy standing next to me told us that they grow their fourth legs when they get older. I found that pretty darn funny. I tried not to laugh at him, but it was so cute.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I did it

I was planning on doing it a few days ago, but today I finally bought tickets to fly to visit Sara. I always feel better about the whole flying thing once I purchase the tickets. I think it is the buying of the tickets that stresses me out the most. I bought them without asking Rory if the days were ok. I hope he can get leave. We're staying 2 days longer than he thought. He said its ok, Sara will just have to take him golfing one of those days. They won't approve his leave more than 2 weeks out, so it will be awhile until we know if he'll make it. After I bought the tickets I told Colleen in a few months we're going to fly on a plane to see auntie Sara. She was super excited. I was telling her stuff we can do there with auntie Sara. Then she asked if we could go to the beach. I had to explain why there is no beach in Idaho. She just kept asking why we couldn't go to the beach. I don't think she understood.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rootbeer and cheese

Right now I am drinking an ice cold rootbeer and eating cheese and crackers. A combination I normally wouldn't go for. Must be the baby making me do it. I had an appointment yesterday. I love when I get to hear the baby's heartbeat at my appointments. My midwife says the baby's heartbeat is good and strong and I'm good and healthy, so that means I can fly to visit Sara in June. I think I'll buy tickets tonight. Here I come Pocatello. Rory has never been there. I hope he isn't disappointed when we get there, because I've been talking it up. This is our big expensive vacation of the year, so I have to make it sound pretty darn good. Airline tickets aren't too bad, but once you multiply that by 3 it is a good chunk of change.
I'm really excited about tomorrow, because I signed Colleen up for toddler art classes. Tomorrow is her first art class. Sooo cute. I hope she enjoys it. Kids get so much fun when they reach this age, because there is so much to do. Next week we're going to take her to the zoo for the first time.
Last night I was watching deal or no deal. That show drives me crazy. I only watch it because there is nothing else on at 8:00. People get so greedy when they are on that show. Last night I saw somebody turn down a deal of 86,000 dollars. They finally took home I think 13,000. I would have been pressing that button so fast at 86,000 dollars. That is a lot of money. Everybody just wants to open one more case and they blow it.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Irish Toasts

May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.~

~ May those who love us love us. And those that don’t love us, May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles, So we’ll know them by their limping. ~

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Even though today is St. Patrick's day and I should be eating Irish food, my craving is Chinese food. I soo could go for some fried rice, egg roll, and sweet and sour chicken. MMMM. Unfortunately there are no good Chinese joints in the area.
I need to make some Irish soda bread soon. I need to take it next door around 7. I'm just procrastinating. My neighbors are having a St. Patrick's day party. Rory and I bought some Michael Shea's Irish beer to take over. I can't have any though.
I love March, not just because of St. Patrick's day and my birthday, but because of March Madness. College basketball is so exciting to watch this time of year. Anything can happen. I get soo crazy watching some of the games. Like the Duke and VCU game the other day. Duke lost in the first round of playoffs. I think for the first time since 1997. Totally blew my bracket picks.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

New craving

I could really go for some chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies dipped in a glass of milk. The problem is I don't have any and its 9:00 at night. Darn.

Craving Coffee

It has been in the 80s the last 3 days. I have been majorly craving a starbuck's iced latte or frap. Sounds soooo good right now. I don't know if I can resist it anymore. I wonder if Jack Bauer drinks coffee. He never sleeps.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I have a condition

I have learned that as soon as I became pregnant I all of a sudden was in a "condition." Last week I was picking up dog poo from the back yard and my neighbor said to me, "you shouldn't be doing that in your condition." Then, yesterday I had a friend over so the kids could play. Before they came over I vacuumed and picked up a little. When she got here she said to me "In your condition you shouldn't worry about cleaning for me." I just really don't understand. Am I supposed to sit on my butt and do nothing? I know there are some things I can't do like heavy lifting, but seriously. I am not in "a condition." I'm pregnant and I can still do everything I normally do. I just have to be a little more careful. When I was pregnant with Colleen I went for bike rides until I was 6 months prego. I do not have a condition.

Friday, March 09, 2007

This article just really touched me. Probably because she looks Colleen's age. I know some people probably disagree, but there are men and women of our armed forces doing amazing things over in Iraq. I've heard some other touching stories.

Air Force Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, of the 332nd Expeditionary Medical group at Balad, Iraq, cradles a young girl as they both sleep in the hospital. The girl's entire family was executed by insurgents; the killers shot her in the head as well. The girl received treatment at the U.S. Military hospital in Balad, but cries and moans often. According to nurses at the facility, Gebhardt is the only one who can calm down the girl, so he has spent the last several nights holding her while they both sleep in a chair.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Creme Eggs

Today I ate my cadbury creme egg of the season. I love those things, but I only allow myself to eat 1 a year. Good thing they are only available for a short time each year. It was sooo good. I just sat down and enjoyed every moment of the chocolate shell and creamy filling. Then of course there was the aftershock of sugar rush to my brain. I try not to eat a lot of sugar, so when i eat something like that it goes strait to my head.
So, yesterday Rory and I made a big purchase. I think the biggest purchase of our almost 8 year marriage. We bought a new minivan. Yes, now I am a mommy that drives a minivan. I'm shocked myself. We bought a honda odyssey. It is sooo comfortable and roomy. Not to mention high tech. I've never had quite a vehicle. I just push a button and the sliding doors open and close automatically. Insane. Its going to be nice though, since we travel with our dogs and we'll soon have 2 car seats in the car. Oh, I guess I haven't officially announced on my blog that we have a baby on the way. I'm 12 weeks along. I've already seen a picture of the baby and a heartbeat. I spent 2 months feeling so sick, but now I am out of that stage. I'm due in September. Pretty close to Colleen's birthday. We'll see how that plays out. We're excited though. I'm so happy that Colleen will have a brother or sister.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I think Colleen is growing out of taking naps. For weeks she has been fighting taking naps and only takes them on days she is completely worn out. Up until now I completely enjoyed nap time. I would clean, read, catch up on emails, work out, or even take a little cat nap myself on occasion. I guess this was going to happen some day, but I didn't think it would happen so soon. My mom said my brother grew out of naps by the time he was 3 years old. Today I even gave colleen a turkey sandwich for lunch hoping the tryptophan would make her sleepy. Didn't work.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Krispy Kreme

I tend to avoid doughnuts, because I know they are not good for you and they give me heartburn. Today we told Colleen if she was super good in church we would buy her a doughnut on the way home. She was perfect in church, so we stopped and got her a doughnut. Of course she picked the one with the most sprinkles on it. Anyways, I noticed Krispy Kreme has a new whole wheat doughnut. I decided to throw two of them in our doughnut bag. When we got home they were so delightful. I decided since they were whole wheat and only 180 calories each that it was ok to eat two. I regret that. I felt guilty all day. I should have stopped at one. Darn.