Sunday, September 30, 2007

Welcome Baby

So, baby decided he didn't want to wait until Saturday. Yes, I said he. Nolan Sean McKinnon was born at 525 am Friday morning. A healthy 8 lbs and 11 oz. Rory and I went in close to 2am and he was born a couple hours later. We came home from the hospital yesterday. Besides being tired, we are all super happy and Colleen is in love with her new baby brother. Just wanted to update. We've taken lots of pics, but haven't loaded them yet.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


If baby doesn't decide to come by Saturday I'm being induced. Can't wait!!! Hello baby!

Monday, September 24, 2007

full moon

So, My due date was Saturday. Overdue once again. Not so much fun. Tomorrow is Colleen's birthday. My mom thinks it would be special to have the baby on the same day as Colleen's birth date. My dad thinks tonight is a full moon and I'm going to have the baby tonight. I don't know what to think. Every time I start having contractions they just go away. Its not fun. Last night I was bed for 2 hours with contractions and once again they faded away. It stinks, pain with no reward. If I'm going to have contractions, the baby should come with them. Its frustrating. Some moments I feel like I will be pregnant forever.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hurry up and get here baby!

Friday, September 14, 2007


My mom has been here for almost a week. I can't believe it, doesn't seem that long. Its been really nice. She's made meals and helped with Colleen and allowed me to get some extra rest. She wants me to feel rested when baby comes. Tonight Rory and I are going to have a date and go see Bourne Ultimatum. We've been dying to see it. Its on base now though, so we only have to pay 2 dollars. My dad seems to think that the movie is so intense that it might put me in labor. I wouldn't mind that. I think it would be nice to have the baby this weekend so that I'd have more time at home with the baby before my mom has to leave.
Today was a very happy day for me. I ate chic fila for lunch and had a pumpkin spice latte afterwards. It was very yummy. I was making a pot of decaf moose munch coffee last night and I was wondering if it would taste like a mocha if I put yoohoo in it. It wasn't half bad.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I'm still here. No baby yet. I have a feeling it will be very soon though. I had an appointment today and let me tell you, very soon it will be. I'm feeling anxious, excited, nervous, and not ready. I don't think I'll ever feel ready. It is a life changing event. I'm happy because my mom is here to take care of Colleen and help out. So thankful for that. Rory and my mom just came in the door from snatching a wooden filing cabinet that somebody down the street had put out for trash. Yes, I am not ashamed that my family are trash pickers. Some people throw away decent stuff when they are moving.
Baby will be soon.

Friday, September 07, 2007

fat feet

my feet hurt. All the time. Even more so at night. I have complained some about my feet hurting and fat toes, but then at my appointment the other day this poor woman came in with super swollen ankles and feet. I've never seen ankles so swollen. I shouldn't complain. But my feet do hurt.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

So close

So, I was looking at the calendar and realized I'm about 2 weeks from my due date. Soooo Crazy!!!! I guess I should pack my hospital bag soon.
The other day we were in cold stone and they have these mountain dew slushes. I was soooo thirsty. I wanted one sooo bad, but I figured that counts as a soda. Bummer. I wanted one sooo bad.