Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year

Happy New Year!! I just wanted to say that now, because by midnight I'll be sound asleep. Colleen is in bed and Rory will probably go to bed early too since he has to be up a little after 5am. So, there is no reason for me to stay up until midnight. I'll just go to bed like normal, because I have a kid that is an early riser. I don't think I'll make a new year's resolution this year. Actually, I can't remember if I have the past few years. If I did, I must have not kept them.
We bought Colleen two gold fish today. I know, I know, what were we thinking? Before Christmas she had been asking for her own fish, because we watched our neighbor's fish for a week. She was super excited. She picked out gold fish, because she wanted orange ones. She has a thing with the color orange. I think it is pretty much her favorite color. She named them Mickey and Minnie. I wanted her to name them Baileys and Coffee, but she wasn't interested in the suggestion.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I love my family

The fam leaves tomorrow. So sad. I haven't blogged since Christmas, because I've been having too much fun with them. My mom thinks sometimes we're a little like the family in the movie "You Can't Take it With You" I laugh the most when I'm with my family. Probably because we all have the same weird sense of humor.
Tuesday we went to a hockey game. That was a ton of fun. My mom stayed home and played with Colleen though. She spoiled her. We got home after 11:00 and she was still awake. Grandparents get it easy. They get to have all the fun and then leave it to the parents to put the kids to bed and do all the discipline. I wish my parents lived in the same town. Then every Friday night would be grandparents night and they could watch Colleen while I went out and did normal grown up stuff like to the movies and out to eat

Sunday, December 24, 2006


It is Christmas Eve. Cheese ball this year was grrrreat as usual. This morning we went to church, then this afternoon we went ice skating. It was a lot of fun. They wouldn't let us take Colleen on the ice, because she was under 3. She had a blast though watching and waving at the skaters. Then this evening we drove around and looked at Christmas lights. And of course we had our annual Christmas eve party with cheeseball(this year it was a cheese present), olives, and egg nogg liqueur and Baileys. Grandma and Grandad wanted Colleen to open their presents tonight. She had fun doing that. We laughed a lot and just had a fun time. I found out today that Sara is my mother. If you want to hear that story you have to check her blog out. On top of everything we found a new love. Martinis. So great. I think its because we feel grown up drinking them. My favorite is just a plain martini, but we made some killer pomegranate ones yesterday.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cookies for Santa

Colleen made Santa cookies. Hope he likes them.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sara is here

Sara arrived Saturday. Its been fun having her here. Lots of laughs. Rory made these things called buckeyes. Its chocolate covered peanut butter candies. We can't stop eating them. Sara has been Colleen's buddy since she arrived. Sara has to go everywhere with her and hold her hand. She doesn't even give her a break when she's using the bathroom. Colleen is right at the door knocking and calling her. I think Colleen will be sad when Sara goes back to Ohio, I mean Idaho.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Our Christmas gift from Rory's parents

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sara is coming to town

87 hours and Sara will be here. yipeeeeee. I can hardly wait.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Watch Out Santa

I found out an interesting statistic today: 4 out of every 10 holiday accidents happen on top of a roof.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

How far would you go for a piece of chocolate?

I never used to eat chocolate until I became pregnant with Colleen. Ever since then I love some chocolate. I am sooo tired today, I am about to go crazy. Colleen has a cold, so she was up all night last night. She just could not sleep. I think maybe I got 3 hours of sleep. Just a little bit ago I desperately needed some chocolate and coffee. I was in a moment of border line panic. "IF I DON"T HAVE SOME CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE NOW I WILL ABSOLUTELY DIE!!!" So, I started a pot of coffee and realized that the only chocolate we have in the house is put away for Christmas presents. But, I needed chocolate so bad it didn't matter. It was a choice between ghirardelli chocolate squares with creamy mint filling we bought for Rory's mom or chocolate covered brandi cherries we bought for my dad. To make a long story short, I ate Rory's mom's Christmas present.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Silly Girl

This is Colleen's favorite hiding place when it is time to do something she doesn't want to do.

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you got a lot accomplished? Today was such a good day. I got so much done. Yesterday I was thinking "I have so much to do before Christmas." But, after today I feel like its smooth sailing. On top of having a super good day, a friend of ours sent some German beer from Germany. Rory and I just had one with super pretzels dipped in crab dip. Sooooo delish!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I'm not saying there are stupid people, but people can be stupid

Yesterday there was a lot of traffic downtown. This car pulled up next to me with a little kid no older than 3 sitting in the front seat, no car seat or anything. I was sooo stinking irritated, but then when the light turned green the guy put the pedal to the metal in the little Honda civic. He was going way over the speed limit and driving like an idiot with this tiny child in the front seat. In situations like that, it is so sad that people can be stupid.
On a happier not, Sara comes in 13 days!!! :) So excited. Colleen is too, she can't wait to show aunt Sara her Christmas tree.
I think somewhere in the whole talk of Christmas trees and Santa coming, Colleen got a little confused. Today she said that she was going to wait for santa to show him her tree and that santa was going to take it. She's never seen the grinch, so I don't know where she got that idea from. IT was cute though.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Flowers make mommy feel better

Yesterday I was super tired. When we were going into walmart, we passed the fresh flowers. Colleen said "Flowers make mommy feel better." It was soo sweet. I let her buy mommy some flowers. She picked out pink carnations, which I was glad because they were only three dollars. They are in a vase on my table and today I realized how much fresh flowers can brighten up a room. It is a cloudy day here, but the pretty flowers make me feel happy. I think I will buy fresh cut flowers more often. My kid gets smarter everyday. Yesterday it was flowers for mommy and a few days before that she told me to make coffee for mommy. Smart girl.