Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Are Elastic Waist Pants Ever Going To Be In Style?

I've gotten so used to wearing maternity pants that I've become lazy when it comes to taking the time to mess with buttons and zippers. It was so easy to just pull up elastic waist maternity pants. Now it takes sooooo much longer to get dressed or use the restroom, because I have to mess with belts and buttons and zippers. In a way I wish elastic waist pants were in style. Will they ever be anything more than old lady pants? I think elastic waist pants are practical and comfortable. Maybe some day they will be stylish, until then I'll just have to deal with my jeans.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I like this background better

Change is good. I'm itching to rearrange the front room. I've also been thinking about a hair cut. I'm a wimp when it comes to that though. Anytime I've cut my hair I regretted it about a week later. Speaking of regret, I regret the chocolate cookies I ate earlier.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Farewell Mickey

We lost our pet goldfish last night. It was sad. He wasn't doing well all day yesterday. Last night Colleen said "I'm going to go check on Mickey." She ran over to the tank and I asked how he was doing. She answered "He's doing pretty good, he's upside down." I had to laugh, because it was just the way she said it. It was funny. I made Rory flush him. I just can't do it for some reason. Colleen said at least he's with Minnie now. (We had to flush her several months ago.) Guess we'll be making a trip to petsmart some day soon.
Oh, by the way this is my 200th post. Lets celebrate with ice cream.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tea Party

I don't get a lot of mommy-daughter time anymore between taking care of hungry man Nolan, laundry and cleaning. Today Nolan finally took a good nap, so Colleen and I had a tea party. She loves tea parties. Fun times.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I did it!!!

So, I threw away the bag of candy corn. It was so hard to do, but I did it. I ate it all the way to the trash can. It was a big bag of candy corn. Anyways, I've made the commitment. No candy for me. I've been doing good with the no soda, so I hope I can do the same with the candy. I realized it can't be good for me to eat as much candy as I do. I've heard that sugar actually drains you of energy. I should be making more nutritious choices that will give my body the energy I need. Especially with my lack of sleep. I got about 2 hours last night. Nolan has had me up since 330. He had a rough night. He's so big, that sometimes I forget he's still so new. Only 3 weeks old. He's wearing 3 month clothes. Big guy.
Count em: Almost 6 months with no soda, 3 hours with no candy.

Friday, October 19, 2007

quiet time

A quiet moment in my house. It was nice.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

candy corn

I hate candy corn, but I love candy corn. Candy corn makes me sick, but candy corn is so yummy. I can't have candy corn in the house. I like it so much that I can't stop eating it. I have been doing so good avoiding the candy corn this season, but then I bought some to decorate cupcakes for the kid's halloween party and Rory's work. Of course, I couldn't just decorate the cupcakes. I could not help myself. It started with one in my mouth. Then a couple. Then a handful. Then I couldn't stop. I NEED HELP!!! To end on a positive note, I am now on my 6th month of not drinking soda.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Super Dad

I'm not super excited about tomorrow. Rory goes back to work. He's been doing so much to help me with the baby and around the house. Every day he's been doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, dishes, and taking Colleen outside to play or on daddy-daughter outings. I've been able to recover from giving birth and rest up from long nights up with the baby. Every morning he makes me the best cup of coffee and fixes Colleen and I breakfast. I vote Rory dad of the year.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Getting to know Nolan

Nolan is now almost 12 days old. After spending 269 constant hours with him, I've gotten to know a little bit about who Nolan McKinnon is.
Nolan's favorite things to do:
1. Eat
2. Poop (pretty much tied with eating)
3. Sleep
4. Listen to his big sister talk
5. Blast Bethany Dillion in Colleen's room and dance
6. Pee on daddy
7. Listen to the dishwasher when he's crying
8. Watching hockey in the dark

Nolan's dislikes:
1. Being changed
2. Getting a bath
3. Being hungry
4. Going outside when its hot
5. Being put in his car seat

Saturday, October 06, 2007

1 week

I've been home from the hospital for one week. This past week has been crazy with very few hours of sleep. Anybody with a baby and a toddler understand. Other than my big baby boy needing to eat constantly, things are going great. Not that him having a healthy appetite is a bad thing, it just means not much sleep for me. My folks leave tomorrow. So sad. My mom has been such a huge help before and after Nolan was born. I want her to move in. Its hard living so far from the grandparents. Military life though. Today is the air show on base. It frequently sounds like jets are going to fly into the house. Amazingly Nolan is napping through it.
Yesterday Colleen fell asleep holding Nolan. It was so cute. They put each other to sleep. She never naps, so it was a sight to see.

Monday, October 01, 2007

baby pics

here are some baby pics I promised. All is well with Nolan. Besides getting a total of 5 hours of sleep in the past 4 days, I'm doing rather well too. My mom has been such a huge help with Colleen, the baby, and feeding us. I'm going to be sad when she leaves on Thursday. Colleen's favorite thing to do in the morning is hold Nolan. I love it, because I get to drink some coffee while she talks to her baby brother. He just listens to her talk and sing and smiles constantly at her.