Monday, July 31, 2006


I can't believe that tomorrow is August 1st. I can't wait for my brother's wedding on the 26th(which is national dog day by the way. I so can't wait to see my family and experience Colleen's first plane ride with her. I'm just bummed Rory can't go. August is happy for me, because it makes me realize fall is right around the corner. I love fall. We don't have the crisp air, changing colors fall that a lot of people have, but at least we get a break from the heat. Anyways, just wanted to say Happy August!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I made a yummy mushroom omelet, but my eggs were a week past the date on the carton. I hope I turn out ok.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Is it just me?

Why is it that when you get a pimple, you feel like everybody is staring at it?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I'm such a mom

Today I got super excited, because I found a 3 dollar coupon for diapers. I was so happy. Only a mom would get that excited about a coupon. Let me tell you though, 3 dollars off a pack of diapers is a huge find.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Scraping the cheez whiz jar

Today I finished off the jar of cheez whiz. I made sure I didn't leave any in there. It reminded me of a funny Sara story. This one time Sara and I were making nachos. We like to use the campell's cheddar cheese soup for our nacho cheese. Sara loves the nacho cheese so much she decided not to let any go to waste. She tried to lick it off of the lid of the can after we opened it. Unfortunately the can opener makes sharp edges and she cut the sides of her mouth. Poor kid. Sara, sorry if I embarrassed you. I just laugh every time I lick cheese off of anything now, because I think of this funny incident. LOVE YOU SARA!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Forecast for this week: "hot, muggy, and just down right unbearable." Those were the weather man's exact words for this week. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be the worst. So depressing. RESTOT (really stinking hot)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sunday sprinkler time

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekend is almost over

So, today is Sunday. We've had a pretty good weekend. Rory's dad came down Thursday. We've just been hanging out with him. It has been fun having him here. I just got done drinking a fabulous cup of coffee. A good cup of coffee can bring me so much joy. It usually is the simple things in life that bring a smile to my face. I'll just list a few: A good cup of coffee, a crisp fall day, the smell of rain, a clean house, a hug from Colleen and pretty much anything she does, an ice cold beer on a hot evening, turkey and cheez whiz sandwiches, a chat with an elderly person, seeing somebody walking their dog, Rory getting home from work early, visiting family, finding a dollar bill in a pair of pants I haven't worn in awhile, going to the zoo, a cup of green tea and a good book. I could go on and on, but there are just a few. My dogs get baths tomorrow. I love when my dogs get baths, they are so soft. Yet another thing that makes me happy.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My 4th

My 4th of July was pretty nice. It would have been better if it wasn't soo hot. I started the day by making some salads and some pulled bbq chicken in my crock pot. Then we cleaned the house some. I spent the afternoon laying around with Rory and Colleen watching the annual hot dog eating contest. Kobayashi won for the 4th year in a row by eating 49 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Insane I tell you. It was painful watching these people binge on nasty hot dogs. I think it is a fun 4th of July tradition though. In the evening, we had some friends come over. We just ate, chilled, played volleyball, and then watched the fireworks from our back yard. It was a pretty good view of the Fort Bragg fire works display. All in all it was a good time. That is what happened, pretty much.