Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday To Nolan

My little boy turned 1 today. I tried uploading the cutest video of him eating cake, but blogger has problems sometimes. We went to the park today and had a picnic and fed the ducks. It was fun. The weather was perfect today. Nolan had fun this evening opening presents and having cupcakes. We are still in TLQs, which makes it hard to bake. We had to settle for cupcakes from the Walmart bakery. Nolan didn't seem to mind. He loved it. Every bite he took was followed by a big grin and "MMMMMMM" It was so funny.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spokane Fun

We didn't get the house. Its ok though, Rory and I decided to move on base and look to buy in the spring. This weekend is such a beautiful weekend. I love the weather here so far. This past week was not so much fun. Colleen, Nolan, and I all had colds. Yuk! Colleen's birthday was on Thursday. We had a nice little family party. Thanks to everyone that called. She had fun getting all the phone calls. Made her day special. Nolan's birthday is tomorrow. We're going to go have a picnic at Riverfront park. It is supposed to be a nice day tomorrow. I can't believe Nolan will turn 1 tomorrow. My how time flies. And Colleen is 4!!!! Just yesterday she was so little. You blink and you miss them growing up.
One thing I love about living in Washington is that there is coffee everywhere!! I can always find coffee. No matter where I am. There is one coffee hut outside the base that I didn't notice until the other day. Its a little camouflage hut. I wonder if they get much business. I didn't notice them for a whole week. I don't think the camo paint is helping business.
Colleen loves the pine trees in Washington. We always have a new collection of pine cones when we return from walks. I might have to turn them into an art project for her. Make a Thanksgiving wreath or something.
We love Washington.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


We arrived here in Spokane almost a week ago. We already love it here. We've spent a week house hunting. Rory and I had to make the decision to either move on base or take the chances of buying our own home off base. Yesterday, we put in an offer on a home. I'm not going to get excited and wait to see what happens. If we don't get this home, there is still the opportunity to move on base at the end of the month. This house is the best we've seen, so we are hoping it will be ours. House hunting is crazy stuff. The kids are exhausted from being in the car so much and looking at so many homes. Both their birthdays are next week. I want to try and make then special, even though we are still in a hotel. I can't believe Nolan will be 1 next week and Colleen 4. Where has the time gone? They are growing too fast.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I love Montana!

Friday, September 05, 2008

We're packing up!

Today we are getting the cars packed up and tomorrow morning we are on our way to Washington. I'm so excited!!! I love road trips.