Sunday, March 11, 2007

I have a condition

I have learned that as soon as I became pregnant I all of a sudden was in a "condition." Last week I was picking up dog poo from the back yard and my neighbor said to me, "you shouldn't be doing that in your condition." Then, yesterday I had a friend over so the kids could play. Before they came over I vacuumed and picked up a little. When she got here she said to me "In your condition you shouldn't worry about cleaning for me." I just really don't understand. Am I supposed to sit on my butt and do nothing? I know there are some things I can't do like heavy lifting, but seriously. I am not in "a condition." I'm pregnant and I can still do everything I normally do. I just have to be a little more careful. When I was pregnant with Colleen I went for bike rides until I was 6 months prego. I do not have a condition.


At 9:25 PM , Blogger Sara said...

ha, I guess pregnancy would be a "condition". ;) I think that's funny though. I want people to treat me like I have a condition ;)

At 6:25 PM , Blogger Steph said...

You made me laugh! At least people want to help you.


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