Friday, June 27, 2008


Colleen can't wait to hang out with Auntie Sara and wake her up at 630 in the morning by throwing stuffed animals at her.

Monday, June 23, 2008


This weekend Rory's folks came down to celebrate his dad's birthday with us. Colleen threw him a splendid party. She's my little party planner. I think her Pop Pop really enjoyed having a party thrown by a 3 year old. Brings the kid out in everyone.

Friday, June 20, 2008

2 weeks!

Sara will be here in 2 weeks!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm loving today

I just walked outside not too long ago to let the dogs out and much to my surprise it is very pleasant out. Not humid and warm, but not too hot. Its only supposed to reach upper 80s today. Doesn't feel like a typical North Carolina summer day. I love it! I'm going to love getting out of the muggy weather. I'll have to adjust to having a winter again. It has been 7 years since I've had a winter. 50s, 60s, and sometimes 70s is what I've been experiencing. Some days I got used to it, taking the kids to the park and just enjoying outside in the middle of January. I'm going to love having snow again though!!! Colleen will love it. We'll all learn and relearn winter sports. Fun! I read that Spokane has one of the best outdoor ice skating rinks in the nation. Colleen will love that. She absolutely loves ice skating. We try and take her every week or two here. One thing I would like to do before we leave is go to the beach one last time. We just have 2 months to get it done though.

I am so irritated with my cable company. Our cable has been freezing up lately, so I decided to just cancel it for the last couple months we are here. Yesterday I called and called. Took me all day to get an actual person on the phone. The stupid automated system for some reason kept saying over and over, "I can not hear you, please repeat your answer." So, I finally get through and I was informed that to cancel my cable, I first have to return the equipment to a certain location. Once I return it, then they will cancel it. Soooo Irritating!!! They will come and deliver it and install it, but they won't pick it up when I'm done with it. Do they know how challenging it is to Lug all the equipment to this location with a baby and 3 year old? The cable company is not my friend!

Monday, June 16, 2008

17 Days!

Sara will be here in 17 days. We all can't wait. We have a lot of fun with Sara! Colleen loves Auntie Sara. She can't wait to wake her up at 6am by throwing stuffed animals at her. I wonder what Nolan will think of Sara now that he is a little older. He's a little ham, so I know they'll get a long great.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

So, today was our 9th wedding anniversary. It was a good day. We took the kids swimming and then went out to dinner as a family. Colleen was so cute. She told us each happy anniversary about 50 times today. She put on a dress and put on her jewelry to go out to our special dinner. It was so sweet. Then we had a special dessert. Colleen picked out a cupcake for her with lots of icing and she picked out a giant whoopie pie for rory and I to share. It was yummy. Colleen took pictures for us. I think she's a pretty good photographer.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I hate to have this be my third post in a row complaining about heat, but I'M MELTING! It has been sooo hot this past week. Today, I have a heat headache and no appetite. Heat makes me not want to eat. I feel awful. My body wasn't made to handle this weather. Its supposed to break tomorrow and only be in the 90s. Thats going to be a cool down. I don't know how much longer I could take this heat. But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. God is sending us out of this heat to the great state of Washington!!! I'm so excited. Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait!!!! We are leaving less than 3 months. Current temp here 100 degrees. Current temp in Washington 42 degrees with this weeks highs in the 60s and 70s. I'm going to be be in heaven!!! I'm the happiest girl on the planet.

Friday, June 06, 2008


The current heat index is 104. Tomorrow's temp is supposed to be 102 with high heat index and 104 on Sunday. Oh, and 102 on Monday. Somebody rescue me!!! I think I should have a bubble that blows cold air on me, kinda like the bubble boy. I hope this heat wave ends soon. My flowers aren't happy when it is this hot. Colleen calls the flowers her "little cuties" She gets sad when her little cuties are looking wilted.