Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Monday was Colleen's 2nd birthday. We had tons of fun. Kids are so much fun at this age. We left yesterday to come up to Maryland. We just got here, but we are having lots of fun already. Colleen was super excited to see her grandparents. Today I am going to call the local restaurants with the mission of finding crab stuffed pretzels for Rory. We had them last year up here and he loved them. We like to eat lots when we come up here. They have the best Chinese restaurant ever, the best little local Italian restaurant called mamma's(they have the best bread for subs mmmm), and there is also this pizza place called stavros that has the yummiest in my tummiest greek salad with huge feta cheese chunks. mmmmmmm. Those are just my most favorite places. There are lots more around here. They also have some good beer in these parts. Last night I had a blueberry ale. It was good. Tonight my dad is going to pick up some Amish beer for us to try.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

what up?

I wonder if all parents are caffeine addicts. Yesterday I had 3 cups of coffee and a Pepsi. I'm doing better today. So far I've only had one cup of coffee and a mountain dew. It is a very sunny sunny day. Around 79 degrees. If it were about 10 to 20 degrees cooler I would be in heaven. I so can't wait to wear a hoodie. I love hoodies. I have one that says "superstar", one that says "brooklyn", a Montreal one, a black one, and a gray snoopy one, and a plain gray one. I love hoodies. You could never have too many hoodies. Well, I guess if you live in hot North Carolina like me, you could have too many. If anybody wants to get me a Christmas present maybe a really light weight hoodie that I could wear more here. Old Navy has some really light weight ones. Its never too early to start Christmas shopping.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I so wanted to knock somebody out today

Rory and I had to go to Sears, so we went out into the mall to let Colleen ride this little bus ride she likes. On our way back to Sears I saw this young man pushing a stroller in our direction. In the stroller was a baby girl I would guess about 10 to 12 months old. She wasn't buckled and she started sliding down underneath the cup tray on the stroller. I started to speed up my pace to get close enough to get his attention. By the time I got in distance she had slid under the tray and was falling out of the stroller. I was trying to get his attention and he looked up and saw me pointing at his kid. If he took one more step he would have pushed the stroller onto her. So, he walked around and picked her up off the ground and I thought he was going to see if she was ok, but instead he smacked her bare leg pretty hard and tossed the screaming baby back into the stroller. I couldn't believed what I had just saw. When he did it I gasped and stood there with my mouth open out of shock. I couldn't move. This poor baby that had just fell out of the stroller because her parent didn't buckle her up got a spanking on her bare leg. A baby I mind you. A little baby!!! Rory saw the look on my face and had me start walking again. I think he was afraid of what I was going to do next. I was so mad!!! Well, once the initial shocked passed I was sooo mad!!! I don't believe in violence, but I wish I could have knocked his lights out. That is probably the wrong approach, but that his how his actions made me feel. I am so sad for that poor little baby girl.

So bummed

Yesterday we went to the county fair. I was so looking forward to fair food thanks to Steph's blog. I wanted strawberries on a stick dipped in chocolate. I guess you have to go to a real fair to get yummy food like that. My choices last night were pizza, hotdogs, bbq pork, fried alligator, fries, funnel cakes, cotton candy, candied apples, ice cream. That was pretty much it. oh, and fried twinkies and fried banana pudding. I ended up only getting an ice cream cone from these cute old guys for a dolla and I had a few bites of rory's funnel cake. I'm not a huge funnel cake fan. One time in high school Sara, Sarah McCain, and I tried making our own funnel cakes and we made them kind of greasy and I got sick. Sara, remember sgt. funnel cake?
The fair wouldn't have been fun without Colleen. She was sooo excited to see the animals. That is where we spent most of our time there. She had a blast talking to the animals. It was fun to watch her.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I love Today

It is rainy and cool. I love days like today. So refreshing. I opened my windows so I could smell the rain. This morning I had to go to Walmart. I did not believe my eyes when I saw Christmas decorations out. Do people realize it is still September? Lets enjoy the rain.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I was wrong

Ok, so the dentist wasn't that bad this time. I actually left happy. The girl cleaning my teeth was super nice. She even put stuff on my lips, because they were getting super dry when she was doing the cleaning. To be honest it was actually kind of relaxing. So, maybe I don't hate going to the dentist anymore. I did find out that I have pulp stones in all my molars. Actually, they tell me that every time I go, but they explained it a little better this time. Its like a little hard stone that develops in the tooth. They said it would be a nightmare for the dentist if I ever had to have a root canal done on any of my molars. The dentist is pretty high tech now. When they take the x-rays it goes strait to the computer screen. Speaking of high tech, I noticed when I go through the McDonald's Drive thru, the employees don't even have to fill your drinks any more. They just put it in the computer and a machine drops the cups down, fills the ice and the beverage. It is insane. You wouldn't have to say at a job interview for McDonald's that you are a hard worker, you just have to say "I'm really good at pressing buttons on a computer screen" You don't even have to know math anymore. The register tells you how much you owe the customer. To be honest, I think technology is making America lazier and dumber. I remember one time I was in K-mart and the girl gave me the wrong change even though the register showed her how much she owed me. She just couldn't count money right. Next time I go to the McDonald's drive-thru I'm going to say "no ice" and see if the machine knows that or if it will confuse everybody.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. I hate going to the dentist. I wonder if there is anybody out there who actually likes going to the dentist. I don't think I could every be a dentist, because I know everybody would hate coming to see me and that they would just be there because they have to be. I wonder if you have bad breath if a dentist would actually tell you or if they would be nice and offer a sample size of listerine or something. I've been kinda slacking on my flossing lately. I wonder if they will notice and scold me. I'm just nervous. I also hate the fluoride. They have those flavors for you to pick from, but it is still gross. Then you have to sit there with the fluoride on the mouth pieces in your mouth and have that sucker thing sucking all your saliva so you don't swallow it. At the same time the dental hygenists are chit chatting. I always begin to wonder if they lost track of time, because it seems like I always sit there forever with the fluoride. Actually, my last visit they left the room and I was left alone. My little hose thing wasn't sucking very good, but I couldn't get up to go find them, because that big light was right above me. I swallowed a little bit of fluoride. I thought I was going to die. The thing I hate the most is when they try asking you questions while you're sitting there. I think they do it on purpose to see if you'll struggle to answer with your mouth open and drooling. Plus I have 6 wisdom teeth, so whenever they take x-rays they have several people in my tiny room looking at my freakish x-rays. It really makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I'll get a new tooth brush tomorrow.

Monday, September 04, 2006

So Sad

I was so sad when I read this article:

by Marc LavineMon Sep 4, 3:19 AM ET
World-renowned Australian "crocodile hunter" and television environmentalist Steve Irwin has been killed by a stingray on the famed Great Barrier Reef, police said.

The iconic Irwin, 44, known for his enthusiastic handling of even the deadliest of wildlife, was killed when a stingray barb punctured his chest during the filming of an underwater documentary off the coast of the northeastern Australian state of Queensland.

"It is believed that Mr Irwin collapsed after being stung by a stingray at Batt Reef off Port Douglas at about 11:00 am (0100 GMT). He had been filming a documentary," a statement from the Queensland Police Service said.

"After being stung by a stingray, his crew called for medical treatment and the Queensland medical helicopter responded, however Mr Irwin had died," the statement added.

Stingrays have several sharp and highly toxic barbs on their tails that they use to defend themselves when they feel threatened.

"(They) are also like a bayonet, like a bayonet on a rifle," Australian wildlife filmmaker David Ireland said. "If it hits any vital organs it's as deadly as a bayonet."

Ambulance service officials said Irwin had suffered a puncture wound to the left side of his chest and he was immediately pronounced dead.

Police said the larger-than-life Irwin's family had been informed of his death. Irwin was married to US-born Terri Irwin and the couple had two children aged eight and three. Irwin's widow was informed of his death while hiking in Tasmania, police said.

The garrulous animal-lover's rallying cry of "crikey" when faced with a crocodile, snake or ferocious-looking spider, made him an Australian icon across the world.

His "Crocodile Hunter" show, in which the tousle-haired adventurer appeared in his trademark khaki shorts and shirt, was first broadcast in 1992 and has been shown around the world on the Discovery cable network ever since.

His outspoken persona became so popular that he won a cameo role in a Hollywood movie, "Dr Dolittle 2," starring US comic actor Eddie Murphy.

Irwin, who was born in the southern Australian city of Melbourne, was raised in Queensland by parents who owned small reptile park that he would eventually take over.

The young Irwin became a crocodile trapper, ridding residential areas of their reptilian threats for a fee.

Irwin's fearless approach to the animal kingdom however provoked international outrage when he involved his infant son in one of his death-defying antics.

In early 2004, he fed a four-metre (13-foot) crocodile with one hand while clutching his baby son Bob in the other during a show at his Australia Zoo reptile park on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland state.

But Irwin was unrepentant when confronted about the incident in an interview. "What I would do differently is I would make sure there were no cameras around," he said.

"I will continue to educate my children and the children of the world so they don't go into the water with crocs."

Australia immediately mourned the loss of one of its best-known sons, with shocked radio listeners and television viewers calling in to express their grief and disbelief.

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who used a photograph of his family at Irwin's zoo on his official Christmas card last year, praised Irwin, who has appeared in public service announcements and worldwide events aimed at promoting Australian tourism.

"The minister knew him, was fond of him and was very, very appreciative of all the work he'd done to promote Australia overseas," a spokesman said.

And Queensland's Tourism Minister Margaret Keech summed up Australia's reaction to Irwin's sudden death.

"He's done so much for Australia and he'll be missed by the entire world," she told Sky television.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The lottery isn't as much fun when it is legal

So, up until recently the lottery was illegal in North Carolina. I used to buy lotto tickets every time I went out of state. It was so much fun. Now that I can buy lotto tickets down the street I don't buy them at all. I just don't have the desire to anymore. North Carolina State law used to be that you couldn't even posses a lotto ticket in the state. I don't know, maybe I felt like I was being a little dangerous bringing lotto tickets over the border. Its just not as much fun anymore. oh well.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Thank You Ernesto

Last night tropical storm Ernesto Rolled through. It brought a lot of wind and pounding rain, but it left my September 1st feeling like fall. This morning it is cloudy, windy and a little cool. I opened my windows and am enjoying it. Tomorrow it will be back up in the 80s, but at least today it feels good. Thank you Ernesto.