Sunday, November 30, 2008

Great Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving at Andrew and Jenn's with Sara. It was a lot of fun. Rainy, but fun. Here are some pics of the kids having a great time.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Here are a few pictures from a campfire and hayride we took the kids on. Colleen was more excited than I've ever seen her about the campfire. I can't wait until we can take her camping. She's going to love it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Poor Nolan

Today I took Nolan into the doctor for a follow up on an eczema type rash he's had for over a month now on his forehead. They've prescribed him cream in the past, but it doesn't do much and it is strange how it flares up, so today he had blood drawn to see if he has any allergies causing it. Poor kid. He has been in the clinic recently twice for several shots(I chose to split them up between two visits) and he also had to have blood work done for his 1 year old well baby check up a couple weeks ago. As soon as we walked in the clinic he started crying like he knew what was coming. Poor guy. He has also been a little needy and cranky lately, but I didn't think much of it. I just thought it was because of the several teeth he has coming in now, including a couple molars. He hasn't had a fever or anything, but found out today he has an ear infection. Colleen didn't have her first ear infection until the summer before she turned three. So that was my fun day. It is so hard to get anything done with a sick baby. He wants to be held constantly, but he doesn't want to just sit down. Hopefully he'll sleep good and wake up feeling much better.
Colleen must have seen something on a cartoon, because all of a sudden she is scared to death that there is a lion in the house. No matter how much I tell her there is no lion and that she is safe, she will not go into a room by herself. When she has to use the bathroom she will not go by herself. I have to carry fussy Nolan in there and wait until she is done, because there is a dinosaur in there. Dinosaur in the bathroom and a lion running around the rest of the house. The lion in the basement is super scary. She was down there with Rory yesterday shooting hockey pucks, but that only lasted 2 minutes, because the lion was down there. Even with Rory she didn't want to be in the basement. I really hope this is a short phase. Oh, did I mention the dinosaur also sits outside her bedroom window at night? Yep, she goes to bed fine and sleeps fine, but in the morning she will not get our of bed. She calls me until I come, because the dinosaur is right outside her window. Kids' imaginations are so funny. I remember when I was younger I thought there was a tornado waiting outside my house. I always took Sara with me to the bathroom when it was stormy out. I thought the tornado was waiting for me to go into a room by myself and BAM!!! it would hit the house.

Friday, November 07, 2008

First snow

Nolan saw his first snow ever yesterday. It only snowed for a little over an hour and then turned into rain. I let the kids go outside and run around and catch snowflakes on their tongues. They had so much fun. I can't wait until it really snows and sticks. They are going to love it!