Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Colleen's Beauty Shop

Yesterday morning I made a trip to Colleen's Beauty Shop. Even she couldn't help me. My hair is hopeless.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is it the weekend yet? Man, weeks are long with Rory gone. Today was pretty good though. We spent a lot of time outside, because the weather was perfect. Sunny and almost 70. It felt amazing. I was loving swinging on my swing and playing with the kids. If it weren't for the little boy next door spitting a mouth full of water in my poor little Nolan's face, it would have been a perfect afternoon outside. Nothing irritates me more than parents who fill their yards with toys and just stick their kids out unsupervised to play. These kids are only four and two. I just wonder what some parents are thinking. Oh, you better believe I went over and had a talk with them after my baby got a face full of water and spit. You don't mess with a pregnant woman's little boy. My hormones were raging.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Flat Daddy

The AFRC on base has a program for kids of deployed personnel. They make a flat daddy or flat mommy for them. At first I thought it seemed silly, but now I'm glad I had it done, because the kids are in love with their flat daddy. We put it on a little shelf on the wall and every time we come home they say hi to their flat daddy and talk to him a lot. I still think it is kind of funny, but it means a lot to the kids.
Rory has only been gone 2 weeks, but it seems like forever. My mom has been here helping out a lot and that has been making the time go by faster, but when your pregnant and uncomfortable there is no replacement for a husband who should be rubbing your swollen feet and aching back. I'm hoping to hear from him today. Its been almost a week.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I hate going days and days without any contact from Rory. This sucks.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a nice Mother's Day with my mom. Its was a beautiful day here and we had a nice relaxing afternoon outside on my swing. We took a picture on Mother's Day on our way out to church. My belly is getting huge!!! I'm already getting pretty uncomfortable too. With my other two pregnancies I loved being pregnant. It was great. This time, I wish I could fast forward a few months and have my beautiful baby and my body back. I'm carrying this baby lower, so it is hard to bend over and pick up toys or put my shoes on. It is also causing my back a lot of pain. Thank goodness my mom is here. She's been carrying my loads of laundry downstairs for me and giving the kids baths. It has been great. I'm trying not to overdo it, because I want Rory to get home before this baby is born. I don't know when we'll find out what day he comes home.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Look at those cute little legs

My early Mother's day present Rory and the kids gave me last week