Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm in Maryland

I'm in Maryland. Its rainy. I was hoping to see snow for my visit. I haven't seen snow in so long. I brought colleen's snow boots, so that we could play in the snow together for the first time. Maybe there is still a chance for snow. We'll be here for a month.
Some of you may remember when I used to do "Janel's words of wisdom." It was lessons I learned from my own stupid mistakes, well last night I did a good one. For dinner I ate fiber cereal, then my parents came walking in with chinese food. I wasn't really hungry, so I just ate all the broccoli from the chinese food. Bad move. Fiber cereal and broccoli is not a good mix. I had gas worse than I ever had in my entire life. So, my advice is don't eat broccoli.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm a hero to my neighbors dog

Its been a long time since I blogged, because Rory has the laptop with him. Sorry to those who read my blog, if there is anybody that does. I know sara does and brian every now and then.
Today I saved my neighbors dog. She was on a chain and jumped the fence and she couldn't move, because the chain was just barely long enough to go over the fence. She was so happy to see me. Her parent's didn't get home for hours and hours, so I was glad I was home. She was very grateful and gave me kisses and I gave her a treat. I love dogs.
This weekend I'm going up to my folk's house for awhile. It will be fun. Colleen loves to be spoiled by her grandparents. She's so cute when she talks to her daddy on the phone. She laughs and hugs the phone and tries to say "I love you", but comes out "la lu lu"
Today on the Price is Right a little old guy bid 449 dollars and then somebody bid 450 and then the last person bid 451. They were so mean to that little old guy. I would never do that. How dare they. Old people rule. I'm going to get a sticker on my car that says "OLD PEOPLE RULE"

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

its going to storm again tonight

Its supposed to storm again later today. What is up with this weather? Colleen is coloring a picture right now. Its beautiful. We're going to sneak it in daddy's suitcase. She was up way to early this morning. She usually sleeps till a little after 7, which I can handle, but this morning she was up way early. She's my morning sunshine. Always up bright and early.
Last night we went to dairy queen. I usually get the twist soft serve in a cup, but I decided to try something different and ordered the pecan mudslide. It had pecans and chocolate and caramel. The first few bites were delicious, but then after several delightful mouthfuls my stomach started to tell me it was too much sugar to fast. I couldn't finish it. I think from now on I'll stick with my twist in a cup. In some cases, less is more.
I don't know when I'll beable to blog again, so have a great week.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Today its windy

Its been so windy today. When we lived in North Dakota it was windy all the time. There used to be huge dust devils. oh, and tumble weeds. I haven't seen a tumble weed in a long time. Last night it stormed here. We were under a tornado watch. My dogs are terribly frightened by thunderstorms. I don't know why. I remember when we moved from Alaska thunder sounded so weird. I think the whole time I lived in Alaska it stormed once and we thought we might have heard thunder. Alaska is a wonderful place to live. I could do without the earth quakes though.
Today Montreal fired their coach Claude Julien. I thought he was a good coach. Although, they have dropped from first place to fourth in their division. I personally don't think it was a coaching issue, but more of a goaltending issue. I mean Theadore is a great goalie, but lately he's been losing games by letting soft goals in. I got my picture taken with him a few years ago. He seems like a pretty nice guy.
I went the whole day without drinking a soda. I'm so proud of myself. I'm in love with water. Its the only thing that really quenches my thirst. I just like a soda now and then. mostly for the caffeine. I remember back when the only think I drank was water. I went years without drinking a soda. I wanted to get a license plate for my car that said H2O GRL. Maybe I should go back to just drinking water. I don't know.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I think his name was Jack

Today on The Price is Right there was this cute little old guy that won the showcase showdown. I think his name was Jack. He was celebrating his 80th birthday. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "I'm Papa" When he won the showcase his family came running up to hug him. They were all wearing t-shirts that said "I'm with Papa." He was just so cute. Have I ever mentioned that I love old people? I always watch The Price is Right while I eat lunch, because the cute little old people make me smile. If a cute old person wins the showcase it makes my whole day.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'm a young lady

Today was a pretty nice day. It so didn't feel like January, but it wasn't too hot and warm enough to just wear jeans and a
t-shirt and drive with the windows down. I was driving today with my windows down listening to Hey Jude on the radio feeling pretty good. When I came through the gate the gentleman called me "young lady." Usually they call me "mam." I must look younger since I pulled that gray hair.
We took colleen to the park today. She had fun playing in the sand. I think some day soon we should buy her a little shovel and pail and take her to the beach. That would be swell fun. I don't want her to ever be bored. I want to show her lots of fun stuff.
I was just looking at the calendar and saw that tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I remember in grade school we used to make a big deal out of Friday the 13th. Kids used to make up scary things that they thought would happen that day. silly kids. I remember once in 5th grade this girl told me I looked like Luke skywalker. I never understood what she meant, but I think it had something to do with my hair cut and it hurt my feelings a little bit.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Hi everybody. Today is Sunday. Yesterday I took Sister to the airport super early in the morning. I miss having her around. She had a really long day of traveling with lots of flights and delays. poor kid. Today my sinuses are killing me. So much pressure. I drank a mountain dew. Sometimes caffeine helps my headaches. oh, by the way for those of you who are wondering, I pulled my gray hair today. I just hope 2 don't grow back. Today at 430 the steelers play cincinnati. Sorry Brian, I have to root for the steelers, because Rory is a steelers fan. I have to stay loyal to my hubby.
It is such a nice day today. When my little bug wakes up from her nap I want to go outside and play. I love sunny days. Friday Sara, Rory, and I went outside and played football. It was fun. Its been so long since I've thrown any sort of ball, that today my arm is still sore. Back in college Sara and I used to play catch all the time. I remember being bored in the middle of winter and playing catch out in the snow in the dark. We had fun.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I have discovered a gray hair on my head. It is right up front in my part. I just didn't know what to do at first. Do I dye it? Do I pull it?(I've heard if you pull a gray hair 2 grow back) Do I just let it be and let it "add Character?" I would be happy to receive any advice. Although, I am leaning towards just letting it be. After all I am approaching my 27th birthday. I can almost see the top of the hill. I love hiking.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Its a New Year

Hello 2006!!! I hope everybody had a swell New Year's. Last night my dad, Rory, and I went to see Montreal play Carolina in Raleigh. It was a great time. Our tickets were 2 rows off the ice. Great seats! I don't know what it is, but a beer tastes so good at a hockey game. Maybe its the plastic cups or the fact that I pay 8 dollars for it, but it was wonderful and refreshing. We didn't get home until after midnight, so we rang in the new year in the car discussing how great my dad's headlights work on his car. When we got home we played some word scramble game until the weee hours. It seemed like as soon as I went to bed Colleen was up for the day. I was pretty tired today, but I just ate a super pretzel with cheez wiz and it boosted my energy.
Today my parents left for home. Its crazy how fast the holidays went by. I was sooo excited to spend Christmas with my parents and sister and it just came and gone so quickly. Makes me kind of sad. My family cracks me up, they're funny and we have such a great time together. I miss them. The good news is my sister is stopping by on Wednesday. She's going to visit for 2 days before she's back home to Idaho. I'm looking forward to just chillin with her. I even bought a new sleeping bag today, so that we can crash in the living room and fall asleep after watching Iron Chef.
Tonight when I was out on my run I saw a cute little dog that ran away from home. He wouldn't come say hi to me. I hope he went home.