Thursday, March 08, 2007

Creme Eggs

Today I ate my cadbury creme egg of the season. I love those things, but I only allow myself to eat 1 a year. Good thing they are only available for a short time each year. It was sooo good. I just sat down and enjoyed every moment of the chocolate shell and creamy filling. Then of course there was the aftershock of sugar rush to my brain. I try not to eat a lot of sugar, so when i eat something like that it goes strait to my head.
So, yesterday Rory and I made a big purchase. I think the biggest purchase of our almost 8 year marriage. We bought a new minivan. Yes, now I am a mommy that drives a minivan. I'm shocked myself. We bought a honda odyssey. It is sooo comfortable and roomy. Not to mention high tech. I've never had quite a vehicle. I just push a button and the sliding doors open and close automatically. Insane. Its going to be nice though, since we travel with our dogs and we'll soon have 2 car seats in the car. Oh, I guess I haven't officially announced on my blog that we have a baby on the way. I'm 12 weeks along. I've already seen a picture of the baby and a heartbeat. I spent 2 months feeling so sick, but now I am out of that stage. I'm due in September. Pretty close to Colleen's birthday. We'll see how that plays out. We're excited though. I'm so happy that Colleen will have a brother or sister.


At 7:01 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I can't believe you only eat 1 cadbury egg a year. I could eat 100 of those things...they are yummy!!!! Congrats on the new minivan.

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Erin said...

And the new baby!

At 1:33 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Congratulations on the new baby! I'm really excited for you guys. There's something significant about a minivan purchase... it's like a milestone one eventually comes to or something. It's funny that you like Cadbury eggs. We actually live in a section that the Cadbury family owned. In fact, the family members were Quakers and consequently didn't want any pubs in their section of town. So there aren't, but there is plenty of Candbury chocolate.

At 8:06 AM , Blogger emily said...

i love my honda! I was wondering how you've been feeling. Glad you are getting out the of sick phase


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