Sunday, July 26, 2009

"AHHHH, the paparazzi always shows up when I'm least expecting."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why does buying a house have to be so difficult?

So, I put in an offer on a house. Super excited, but it might take up to 45 days to know, because it is a short sale. I'm just praying that if it is the right house for us that it will work out. It was a big decision on my own. Rory said he trusts my judgment and is behind me 100% picking a house for us to purchase. Still a lot of pressure though. Hope I do ok.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

After my doctor appointment today, we stopped at Manito park to enjoy the cool, sunny weather. The rose garden was just beautiful today. It was such a nice walk and i really enjoyed the fresh air. There were over 165 varieties of roses. So beautiful. Notice in the picture how big my baby belly is getting. I still have 8 weeks or so left. I"M HUGE!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Hot 4th

We had a good 4th. In the morning we went up to Green Bluff and picked strawberries and enjoyed lunch outside in the shade. In the afternoon it was way too hot to do anything but to run through the sprinkler out back. The kids had a blast. After a yummy bbq dinner, the kids decorated the wagon and went for a patriotic ride around the block. It was too cute. Then we enjoyed some delicious strawberry short cake with the strawberries we picked and home made whipped cream that Andrew and Colleen made. It was a good day. The highlight of the day though was when we were eating lunch on the farm and a couple chickens started fighting. One jumped up on our table, knocking our food and drinks everywhere. Colleen jumped so high. I have never seen a little girl so frightened. The whole bluff probably heard her scream. All we've heard since then is how much she hates chickens. It was pretty funny.