Thursday, March 30, 2006

What were they thinking

I don't know if I'm into this changing time thing. I was told today that this weekend we spring forward. I am not looking forward to this event. This means Colleen will be up at her usual 6am, but it will really be 5am. Guess I can count on not getting much sleep Saturday night. We're going to a hockey game in Hershey, PA and will be home really late. oh well. I think we should quit changing times around.
I also just wanted to say that 24 on Monday night blew my mind. I won't say anything about it, because I know some of you aren't watching season 5 yet. I can't believe I have to wait so long to see what happens next. I do know one thing, nothing can happen to Jack Bauer, because there is no 24 without him. He is like the modern day MacGyver. He can do anything. Except MacGyver wouldn't use a gun and Jack Bauer doesn't miss a target. Jack Bauer for President. Yessss.

Monday, March 27, 2006

My weekend sucked

My mom hates is when I use the word "suck," but my weekend really sucked. I guess I could say "stunk" instead of "sucked" ok. So Friday night I was up all night with rory and colleen. They both had a bad stomach virus. They were up all night getting sick. I think I changed colleen and my clothes 5 times and sheets twice. Friday night was the worst, but because I got less than 2 hours of sleep, I was sooo stinking tired on Saturday, but I had to wash sheets and take care of colleen and rory. When they were napping I had to go out and buy pedialite and ginger ale and stuff. Sunday I was just exhausted and feeling sick myself with bad sinuses, but Rory was still sick, so I couldn't take a nap unless Colleen was napping. She finally napped, but when I tried to nap my neighbors started working outside pounding and doing noisy lawn work. I'm just so glad the weekend is over. On a happy note, Wednesday we go to Maryland to see the folks. yipee. We're going to a Hershey Bears hockey game on Saturday with my dad and Rory's fam. It will be fun. I love hockey. Right now Rory is laying on the couch watching "The A Team" I can't believe they show those reruns. HELP ME!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

This is Chance, A.K.A. Fuzz Butt. He is my parent's dog. He's a crazy old mutt. The story behind Chance is I saw him in the paper needing a home when I was living with my parents in Alaska. I talked my mom and dad into getting him. Nobody wanted him, because they thought he was ugly. His name was Brutus, but Sara and I changed it to Chance. He was a really playful and adorable puppy, but something happened to him since my parents moved from Alaska. He has a split personality. One minute he's a sweet, happy dog, but then the next minute he's a grumpy old man that growls if you walk by him, look at him, try to pet him or talk to him. He also sees dead dogs. He plays like he's playing with another dog, but there is none around. Then he'll just stare into space and growl at nothing. Lately he started chewing on his tail, there is almost no hair left on his tail and it looks gross. My parents say he is Sara's dog and she's getting him back someday. Happy Birthday Sara.

Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Patrick's Day

I love St. Patrick's Day and Chic Fila. I love St. Patrick's Day, because everybody wears green and are extra cheerful. I love Chic Fila, because they have the best iced tea and waffle fries and the cutest old ladies wiping the tables down and refilling drinks. They are so sweet. Have I mentioned I love the elderly population. They are so cute. In Chic Fila there was a cute little old couple eating sandwiches and splitting an order of fries. They didn't say much to each other, but they were so sweet and kind to each other. It was so cute to see. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


For some crazy reason I think I excessively worry about things. Especially since I've become a mom. I've had these recurring nightmares of Colleen climbing out of her crib in the middle of the night and falling down our stairs while I'm sound asleep. Because of this, tomorrow I will be purchasing a gate for the top of the stairs. Anyways, I have other worries on my mind too. Pretty general stuff like my family, If we move I worry about Rory getting on deployment rotations, I worry about being a good mom and protecting my child. I could probably list more. I always pray about my concerns, but for some reason I still worry. The worry doesn't control my life, but I still think about things throughout the day. I feel like I'm not completely trusting God when I worry. I know He commands us to have no fear, but it feels like it is human nature to worry and feel fear. I completely trust God and I know that He is in control, but I feel like I'm not being honest when I say that I completely trust God and then turn around and worry about stuff. Philippians 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I feel 100% better when I pray and read the bible, but I find myself worrying about something else later the same day. Does this mean I'm not trusting God, or is this normal?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Pollen is gross, but necessary I suppose

My allergies have been so bad lately. My cars are covered in green/yellowish pollen. Its so gross. Today was nice and cool, but I knew if I opened my windows I would be suffering tonight, but I did it anyways. There is nothing like opening windows on a cool spring day. I know I won't be able to do it for long, so I couldn't resist. Now I have a headache though. I was watching fox news this morning and they had a doctor on talking about allergies and allergy medicine. Apparently, allergy drugs can become addictive. I think that goes for all medications though. Anyways, the doctor said that if you suffer from allergies, it helps to keep your windows closed this time of year and if you have a dog that goes outside for periods of time to wash them when you bring them in or else they track the allergens in your house. I don't know what I think about that. I don't think my allergies are bad enough to take that step. Anyways, I just wanted to complain about allergies. On a positive note, I have a new favorite cookie. It is the chocolate covered mint oreo. Its like a fat thin mint. I always buy thin mints from the girl scouts, but now I have chocolate covered mint oreos. yummy.

Monday, March 13, 2006


I am so excited today. A Starbucks with a drive-thru just opened in town. I couldn't be any happier. When I lived in Alaska I would have never imagined I would be excited about a starbucks, but there is no place to get coffee here. When I first saw it, I thought I was seeing things. But I wasn't, so I jumped over 2 lanes of traffic to get to the starbucks drive thru. YESSSSS!!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm home

I'm home. I got home on Friday, but I didn't have my computer until today when Rory got home. :) Colleen was so excited to see him and so fired up. She was just running around like a crazy girl. I think she was showing off for her daddy. Its a really warm day here. Winter is definitely over here. I love spring time, but I get kind of depressed when it starts getting warm here. Summer is fun, I love summer, but it is sooo hot and humid here. Day and night. No opening the windows to cool off at night. The humidity actually drains me of my energy. Sara knows what I'm talking about. When you walk out of your house and the air feels so thick. yucky!!! I am so grateful I have Air conditioning though. It has gone out every summer, but they end up fixing it within a day or 2.
I have a confession to make. My parents are addicted to American Idol. They don't miss it. My mom knows it, but my dad is in denial. He says something like "Isn't that show on tonight? You know the you can be a star one." I answer "you mean American Idol dad?" He says "Yeah, stupid Idol. I guess your mom will be watching that and I'll watch hockey in the other room." Later that night or the next day in a conversation with my dad he'll say "Did you watch that one Idol show? Who do you think is going to go home tonight? I think that Kevin is definitely going home." I ask him "So, you watched it last night?" He says "oh, no your mom watched it." Later, talking to my mom she tells me that dad can't help but watch it. I just think its funny.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


There is nothing like a picture of a little girl in dirty old tennis shoes, dressed up as a fairy, hugging her dog.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Today I experienced my first fastnacht. It was delicious. I think everybody should try a fastnacht. It is kind of like a doughnut without a hole. Here is a description of them:

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2006. In Pennsylvania Dutch country, February 28, Shrove Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent, is known as "Fastnacht Day." The Pennsylvania Dutch celebrate Shrove Tuesday by eating yeast raised potato doughnuts, which are lovingly known as "Fastnachts."

The name "Fastnacht" is German for "Fast Night." Fastnacht Day is a day to forget about dieting and a slim waistline and feast on doughnuts! It's a custom that had its beginnings with the Plain People. Making Fastnachts helped to use up the fat and sugar they had on hand before the Lenten fast began.


For some reason I love the month of March. There is so much fun stuff going on in March; St. Patrick's Day, My birthday, the Iditarod, and sometimes Easter is in March, but not this year. If you've never tracked the iditarod you can go to the website and get updates daily at I'm rooting for Dee Dee or Martin Buser(he has the same birthday as sara and I. He signed a poster for us.) Some people think the Iditarod is cruel to the dogs, but if you go see the start you would have to disagree. Those dogs absolutely love what they do. They can't wait to start. The handlers treat them so good. Their dogs come before them. Ok, I just wanted to say YAAAAAAAHOOOOOO to March.