Friday, April 27, 2007


This morning when Rory got home from work he surprised Colleen and I with breakfast. Krispy Kreme donuts. Tasted yummy with my decaf coffee. What a good start to a Friday.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I've kind of been keeping my eye on the potential presidential candidates for 2008. Here is a comment from former Arkansas Governor and Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee; "I tell people that my faith is my life. It defines me. I see no separation between my faith from my personal and professional lives. Real faith should make us humble and mindful, not to the faults of others but of our own. It should not make us more judgmental, but rather less judgmental, as we see others living a life with the same frailty we acknowledge within ourselves."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This week seems short

We have 5 days until we move. I so don't feel ready. I've been working hard going through stuff, but I haven't packed a thing. I don't even have boxes yet. I drove to a bunch of places the other day asking for boxes, but everybody had already broken them down and discarded of them. Does everybody crush boxes on the same day? I was frustrated. I will not pay for boxes. Tomorrow I will go to the liquor store. They have to have empty boxes right? Walmart told me I could get boxes, but I have to be there at 11pm and it is first come first serve. I'm not even thinking about dragging Colleen out at 11pm at night in that area.
Anyways, I guess I feel like I'm not getting anything done, because there is so much to do. Rory is working 12 hour shifts all week too, so he doesn't have a lot of time to do much. I am really excited though, because friday my dad is bringing my mom down so she can help us move and clean. She doesn't want me doing too much with the baby belly and stuff, so she's coming down to keep me in check and help out. It will be fun to have her here.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Was anybody else disapointed in this week's 24? I hope Monday is better.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Earth Day

Sunday is Earth Day. I think it is a great day to help clean up, but we also get to listen to Al Gore and every body's brother talk more about Global Warming. Oh Joy. Not like we haven't heard enough lately. I have no problem with trying to keep our planet clean, but have you heard Al Gore? He uses 20 times more energy in his home than the average American household. What ever happened to practicing what you preach? And I've also learned this year that everybody on the planet has a carbon footprint. Did you know this? Did you also know that U.S. travelers can offset their carbon emissions when they fly? Travelers can spend anywhere from $6-$30 to offset their carbon emissions and the money goes to clean energy projects. So, we are paying higher ticket prices, because of fuel cost and then on top of that you can pay even more to offset carbon emissions from traveling. I'm flying in June and I am not taking this option to offset carbon emissions from my traveling. The plane would fly with or without me. I wonder how long it will be before this will be a mandatory fee payed by all air travelers. I bet Al Gore would love that, while all along he flies in a private jet all over the country to promote what some call "the country going green." I wonder how big his carbon footprint is with all the traveling in a private jet.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


So, today we signed for a 3 bedroom house on base to have a room for the baby. We move in May 1st. That is a week from Tuesday. I am so not ready to move. I don't even have boxes. I have a huge pro and con list for moving, but even though the house is smaller and way older, the pros outweighed the cons. I think I'll feel better when we have our stuff moved in there and settled. Colleen is super excited about having a new house. She says "we have to move because we're going to have a baby sister and I'm going to be a big sister." It is soo cute. I guess she'd rather have a baby sister than brother, because that is what she keeps telling us she's having. This morning she told me my belly is bigger because her baby sister is in there. I have an ultrasound on May 14th, but I don't think we'll find out what we're having. We didn't with Colleen and it was a lot more fun not knowing. Oh yeah, 2 months from today we'll be in Idaho. Hooooray. Can't wait to see you sara.

Monday, April 16, 2007


I know in my heart that man is good.
That what is right will always eventually triumph.
And there's purpose and worth to each and every life.
Ronald Reagan

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Good Movie

If you haven't seen the movie "Return to Me" with Davie Duchovney and Minnie Driver, I recommend it for a rainy day. It got mixed reviews when it first came out, but I've learned not to listen to the critics. Plus David Duchovney is pretty cute in it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Easter

So, I spent my Easter sitting in the Emergency Room on Fort Bragg. Colleen had and infection in both ears and swollen tonsils and throat. I hate going to the ER on the army base. You know you are going to sit there forever. We went in a little before noon and finally left around 4pm. It was worth it though, because Colleen was in a lot of pain. She is doing much better now. It was sad though, because she didn't get to wear her pretty Easter dress and she didn't get to hunt for eggs in the yard. I even painted her toe nails pretty purple for Easter. She said to Rory that afternoon "Church didn't get to see my toe nails." It was sad.
The ER on Bragg is like any other emergency room, you aren't seen in the order you arrive. The thing that makes it worse though, is that the army that come in uniform get to be seen in front of everybody in line. After we had been sitting there a couple hours I started to get irritable. I blame it on pregnancy hormones. I started to feel built up anger and hostility towards the person who was called next. I probably gave a few unnecessary dirty looks to people as they walked by me to be seen. I feel bad now about how I felt at the time. Pregnancy makes you crazy like that though.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Eggs

It was kinda cold today for April in North Carolina. It was only 47 degrees and windy. The local newscasters were cracking me up. They think winter is back. I remember last Easter it was 95 and I almost died. I would much rather have the cool weather and just put on a sweatshirt.
Since it was kinda chilly Colleen and I stayed inside and made the banana pudding dessert with vanilla wafers. Colleen loves making stuff that she can lick the spoons. It is one of Rory's favorite desserts, so Colleen was really excited to make something for her daddy. When we woke him up this afternoon she had to drag him strait to the fridge to show him. Then we dyed easter eggs. That was fun. Its fun to see kids get excited about stuff.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Just thought I'd add a quote every now and then to my blog.

It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving. Mother Teresa

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My little artist

I'm a proud mommy. Here are some pictures of Colleen's masterpieces from her art classes.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Summer is here

I know it is Spring time, but here it is hot. Summer is here. Shorts weather. Time to blind people with my white legs. Maybe I'm just a little more sensitive to the heat, because I'm prego and my belly is getting big. Today I took Colleen to lunch at Chic Fila. She had a coupon for a free kids meal. After we ate I let her play on the indoor playground while I sat in the air conditioning, drinking iced tea. She found a little boy to play with. He was probably 5 years old. There were a ton of kids in there, but she picked an older boy to play with. I wonder what her father would say about that.
I love eating at chic fila. It is my favorite fast food place. I really like the one here, because they have some really cute older ladies working there. They always come around to see if we need refills on our drinks. Today they came around giving everybody chicken biscuit samples and they gave colleen a cup of ice cream. Nice place. The parking lot was packed by the time we left with a really long drive thru line. They had an employee out there directing traffic and helping people like me get out of there. That is above and beyond any other fast food place.