Friday, December 30, 2005

my cute dog

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking

ok, here's one for you: This morning Rory and I took our sleeping bags to the laundry mat, because they won't fit in my wash machine. We loaded them up and left for a walk and came back and noticed that the one I started second was almost done and the other one was stuck in the wash cycle. So, I waited and waited and came to the conclusion that something was wrong when my second sleeping bag was done. I put it in the dryer and tried to find an employee to fix the other machine. We couldn't find anybody. The office was dark and no one answered when I knocked on the door. There were no signs around with phone numbers or anything. So, I went back to the machine and watched it go round and round. My next option was to just open the door, but the warning on the machine read "DANGER: DO NOT OPEN WHEN IN THE MIDDLE OF A CYCLE. DO NOT PLAY WITH DOOR HANDLE OR STICK HANDS IN MACHINE WHILE OPERATING" I was scared to just open it, because of the big bold letters. Big, Bold letters mean business. It was one of those front loading machines, so I was afraid to open it while it was washing. What if water comes out, or it self-destructs. So, my second sleeping bag finished drying and I still couldn't find anybody to help me. So, I left. I figured it was a 15 year old sleeping bag and I want a new one anyways. I wonder if its still going round and round in the machine.
Yesterday I left my shoes outside, then it rained and rained last night. I didn't remember my shoes until I let my dogs out. They were soaked. Ruined. I'm even steven though, because my mom said she bought me a pair of shoes yesterday.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

So tired today

I have no energy today. Zero energy. I don't know why. I'm drinking a cup of green tea right now in hopes it will give me a boost. I have some cleaning to do. My parents back come tomorrow. We will spend the New Years together. New Year's Eve Rory, My dad, and I are going to watch the Hurricanes play the Canadiens. GO HABS! My family are huge Montreal fans. We got lower level tickets for this event. It will be a great time. You've gotta understand ice hockey though to understand the thrill of the game. I miss playing. Back in the day my whole family used to play. If we weren't playing on a team, we would play late night games on the outdoor rinks in Alaska. Those were the days. Playing in the cold, shoveling snow off the rink, Sara's toes going numb and putting them on my belly to warm them up. ahhhh, memories. Today here it is almost 60 degrees.

Monday, December 26, 2005


So, its the day after Christmas. We had a great Christmas. Christmas Eve my sister and I watched Narnia. good movie. Then we came home and made gyros for dinner. Before dinner though, my mom had a relapse of her PGS(pregifting syndrome) and gave colleen one of her Christmas gifts. It was a Charlie Brown doll. She took it to church Christmas Eve. After church we had our traditional Christmas Eve party. We had Its a Wonderful Life on tv and played tribond while we ate cheese ball and stuffed olives. It was a joyous time with lots of laughing.
Christmas morning we were up early. Sara made us breakfast consisting of eggs, biscuits, and sausage gravy. Then we opened presents. Then just relaxed and worked on dinner. Every year we have a different theme for Christmas dinner. This year was Filipino food. We ate lumpia, Filipino chicken, and noodles. It was soooo yummy.
Today my parents left and tomorrow my sister leaves. So sad. IT will be very quiet with out them around. ok. i must go finish watching Montreal. They're playing Atlanta and losing. GO HABS!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Eve Eve

Today is Friday. I didn't realize it was Friday, until not long ago. The days are just flying by. I guess I'm having too much fun with my fam. Tonight Sara and I made a cheese ball for our Christmas Eve Party tomorrow night. While we were making it we got the brilliant idea of making it a cheese ball snow man. I think it turned out swell.
Ok, This is for brian: Thanks for the phone call man. I appretiate the thought, but some of us who have children don't stay up until 1am. Its all good though. You should call me sometime when I'm actually awake.
I found out today that my parents have PGS. Pregifting syndrome. They can't resist giving people gifts before the actual gift-giving occasion. Gotta love them.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 23

Hi everybody. Today was Thursday. My sister and I did a little last minute shopping. Well, many people call it last minute, but I still have 2 days left. Today I had my first and probably only gingerbread latte of the season. it was super yummy, but super overpriced. This afternoon my sister attempted to make homemade egg nogg. it tasted yummy, but then my mom got on her about not cooking it to kill ecoli from the eggs. So, she cooked it and it curdled. It was a super attempt though. It wasn't nearly as bad as her coconut cream pie disaster of 98.
Right now we're watching Elf. If you haven't seen this movie, it is hilarious. IT makes my tummy hurt from laughing so much. I guess you have to have the right sense of humor though. Will Ferrell should have won a "major award"
"I like to smile, smiling is my favorite"

Monday, December 19, 2005


12 hours and 52 minutes until sister sara arrives. yippeeeee

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Today is Saturday. I would like to talk about olives. I love olives. My favorite are green olives. I love garlic stuffed and jalapeno stuffed. Actually I polished off a jar of jalipeno stuffed yesterday. For a snack I eat a piece of cheese and an olive. Sooo yummy. Probably because of all the sodium, but who cares. I noticed there are other varieties of stuffed olives that I am looking forward to trying. I'm excited to try the Greek ones stuffed with feta cheese. so yummy. Speaking of cheese, it is almost time for our annual cheese ball. It is tradition to eat cheese ball and crackers on Christmas Eve. Not just any cheese ball. Homemade. mmmmm. Ahhhhh, the holidays.
This morning I bought a big refill bottle of hand soap. When I returned home, I put my bags down and got my daughter and i lunch and cleaned up. Then I went to put items away from the bags and discovered that my big bottle of soap had leaked all in the bag, and on the carpet. It ruined a gift pack of candles I bought. I had to steam clean the carpet. The good news is if I have any unexpected guests dropping by my house smells of milk and honey softsoap.
My sister comes on Monday. Sooooooo stoked. The countdown is 55 hours and 17 minutes.

Friday, December 16, 2005

T-shirt weather

It is the nicest day today. Sunny and 57 degrees. My ideal day if it were September or March.
Last night I made myself a sweet potato for dinner. After I served it on my plate I walked away and CRACK, the plate split in half and half fell on the floor. It was the wierdest thing. My sweet potato wasn't really that hot. Sooo odd. My sweet potato was yummy though.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rainy Day

It is a rainy rainy day. If life were a musical, today I would be dancing and singing in the rain with Gene Kelly. Good day to make cookies. Christmas cookies. mmmm. So, today on The Price is Right an old guy made it to the showcase showdown, but he overbid by like 15,000 dollars. So sad. I just watched the German shepard across the street chase off the Fed Ex delivery man. The package just got thrown in the yard. I hope whatever is inside is waterproof.
So, my beagle hates the cold rain. Today he is wearing his homemade long underwear. I could afford to buy him clothes made for doggies, but my friend Bob bought me a losing lotto ticket. Thanks man. Thanks to you I have to continue to buy cheap toilet paper and order from the dollar menu when we eat out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

first blog

My sister is a blogger now, so I decided to blog too. fun times. yeah, I don't really know what to write about for my first blog. Today My sister said it was snowing in Idaho. Oh, how I miss the snow. Its sooo refreshing when it snows. I don't think I ever had a bad day when it snowed. It always makes me happy. Today it was like 50 degrees here in North Carolina. T-shirt weather. And its December. Sara, when you visit next week please bring some snow!!! So, I've gotten in the habit of watching The Price Is Right while I eat lunch. I only watch it to root for the old people. That Bob Barker cracks me up. I love how he still walks around the stage with the long, skinny microphone attached to a cord he has to drag along with him.
I can't believe Christmas is in just a little over a week. I haven't even watched Its a Wonderful Life yet this year. Its tradition to watch it every year. Not to mention its the greatest film ever made. "What do you mean you don't like coconuts? Say brainless, don't you know where coconuts come from?"