Sunday, March 04, 2007

Krispy Kreme

I tend to avoid doughnuts, because I know they are not good for you and they give me heartburn. Today we told Colleen if she was super good in church we would buy her a doughnut on the way home. She was perfect in church, so we stopped and got her a doughnut. Of course she picked the one with the most sprinkles on it. Anyways, I noticed Krispy Kreme has a new whole wheat doughnut. I decided to throw two of them in our doughnut bag. When we got home they were so delightful. I decided since they were whole wheat and only 180 calories each that it was ok to eat two. I regret that. I felt guilty all day. I should have stopped at one. Darn.


At 1:04 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Colleen has good taste. I like Krispy Kreme too, but I don't think the whole wheat donut has made it to my area yet.

At 5:19 PM , Blogger Sara said...

mmmmm donuts! I love them. Krispy Kreme is great when you get them hot off the press. oh, yes.... mmmmm.....

At 5:25 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Krispy Kreme is wonderful but you have to drive hours to reach fresh ones around here. I hate regret after eating!

At 8:31 PM , Blogger emily said...

Janel, if you didn't feel physically bad after you ate two, then I say EAT TWO HURRAY!


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