Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Kids say the darndest things

On and off today I've had this twitch on the left side of my nose. This evening I was telling Rory about it. I said "All day, I keep getting this twitch in my nose." Then Colleen comes over to me and says "I'll get it out mommy" and she stuck her finger up my nose.

Tonight we went to watch Rory's football game. Colleen didn't want to sit and watch, so I let her run around the track. She was just running and running and says to me, "Colleen has fast pants on today."

After Rory's football game we were going to go to the base tree lighting ceremony, but after we got in the car I told Colleen we had to stop by the house so mommy can go potty. When we were almost home she says "Go see tree lights, but mommy poopy first."
Kids crack me up.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sara is coming

18 days and about 15 hours until Sara comes!!! Colleen and I are counting down. Colleen keeps saying "Sara come. Share toys with her." We can't wait until Sara gets here. Whoooooooooopie.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

No more cat posts, I promise

Ok, so this will be my last cat post, but I have to say this: I am cat sitting my neighbor's cats while they are gone for Thanksgiving. All I have to do is make sure they have food and water and feed the fish. I'm pretty sure that's what I'm supposed to do. I really wasn't paying attention when she was telling me. Its either that or feed the fish to the cats, but I don't think that sounds right. I was kind of distracted, because while she was showing me everything the other day her husband was sweeping the floor and I started thinking "I didn't realize people still sweep with the invention of the swiffer." I get distracted so easy.
Ok, so anyways, these cats are sisters I guess. They look the same. One just runs away from me and the other watches my every move and meows when colleen and I talk to it. I wonder if it understands what I'm saying. I hope not, because today I told it she looked fatter than her sister and they were ugly. I said it in a nice tone of voice though.
Anyways, that little annoying cat that wouldn't leave my house has moved to my neighbor's house. Now, when I go to feed the cats I have to fight my way out of the door without it getting in. It wants in soo bad. I thought about it ,but then I thought that could be a cat fight disaster. The cat is starting to look sad, so I'm going to tell my neighbor to either take it or I'm calling the shelter. At least then it will be fed and warm and have a chance at getting a home.
I can't wait for my neighbors to get home on Saturday. Only one more day of cleaning the litter box. Stinky cats.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Cat update

The latest on the little pest, is that it has moved from hanging around my porch to hanging around the sewer in front of my house. I guess it figured out I wasn't going to feed him. I wonder if it is confused by the houses. The base houses all look the same. When Rory's Grandma visited once, she went for a walk and then couldn't figure out which house was ours.
My mom blames my deep dislike for cats on the fact that I haven't had much experience with cats. We never had one growing up, because she is allergic to most cats and we're dog people. The extent of my cat experience is cat sitting for people a couple of times. I have no problem doing that though, because you don't have to even see the darn things. Just fill up their food and water. One time we were cat sitting for these people that lived in our apartment complex before we moved on base. Every time we went to check on the darn thing, it had destroyed something new in the house. Furniture, walls, doorways, carpet, you name it and the stupid cat had a piece of it. It was a destructive little thing. That it why I don't understand why some landlords say they'll allow cats and not dogs. Those little boogers can be worse than a well trained dog.
Ok, so I decided that maybe since I am uneducated about cats maybe I should do some research to find out more about them.

Ailurophilia is the "love of cats."

The nose pad of a cat is ridged in a pattern that is unique, just like the fingerprint of a human.

There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, with 33 different breeds.

A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years.

More than 35,000 kittens are born in the U.S. each year. Spay or neuter your cat.

Cats have 290 bones in their bodies, and 517 muscles.

A cat has five more vertebrae in her spinal column than her human does.

The Giraffe, Camel and Cat are the only animals that walk by moving both their left feet, then both their right feet, when walking. This method of walking ensures speed, agility and silence.

Cats don't see "detail" very well. To them, their person may appear hazy when standing in front of them.

Cats need 1/6th the amount of light that humans do to see. Their night vision is amazing!

Cats can see up to 120 feet away. Their peripheral vision is about 285 degrees.

A cat's ear pivots 180 degrees. They have 30 muscles in each ear, and use twelve or more muscles to control their ear movement.

Cats rub up against other cats, and people, in an attempt to "mark" them with their scent glands. They most often use the scent glands between their eye and ear (near the temple area) or their scent glands near the base of their tail.

Cats are the sleepiest of all mammals. They spend 16 hours of each day sleeping. With that in mind, a seven year old cat has only been awake for two years of its life!

Cats are more active during the evening hours.

Cats spend 30% of their waking hours grooming themselves.

Ok, so I've learned a little bit more about cats. I still don't like them. One time when we were visiting Rory's parents, I woke up to find his dad's cat sitting next to me and staring at me. Cats are creepy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Whoever is willing to come get this cat away from my house can have her. She's a friendly cat, but super annoying. She won't leave me alone. Why does she like me so much? LEAVE ME ALONE CAT!!! She won't get the hint. Do I have to spell it out for her?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cats are stubborn

Ok, so many of you may know that I am not the biggest cat fan. There is this little black and white cat that keeps coming to my porch and meowing and meowing and meowing. There are several loose cats around and I am sick of picking up cat poop out of my yard. Also, a few months back there was a cat fight on my porch in the middle of the night. I had to clean up cat hair and pee and they destroyed my porch. Anyways, this little black and white kitten is actually a cute cat, but it annoys me. Usually I hiss at it out the window, but today it didn't work. I let my dog Patch out to chase it off. I've never seen a cat run to the sewer so fast. The thing looked scared to death. I thought I solved the problem, but 5 minutes later it was back on my porch. AHHHHHHH!!! For a second I felt guilty for scaring it with my big ferocious dog, but then it came back. I do not feel bad. I should not feel bad. Stupid thing. Stupid cat owners. If I let my dog just roam around during the day, he would get picked up by the pound. Stupid cat owners think they are so special that they can do whatever they want and let their cats poop in other people's yards and roam wherever.
Ok, so all this pent up anger about cats brought back a funny story about my father-in-law and his cat. One day his cat made him super mad, I think it bit him. So he went and got his shotgun and shot the cat as it was running off. He thought he would never see that cat again. But he came back home. The shot must've just grazed him. The stupid thing survived. I guess it still had some of his 9 lives left.
I guess how I feel about cats can be summed up in a phrase Rory's grandfather said about everything "turpentine em."

Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm a wierdo

Have you ever typed a whole blog and then decided it was a stupid or boring log and deleted it? I just did.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sara is MIA

Ok, so I just wanted to say that Sara hasn't blogged in a long time. I am very upset about this.
Anyways, moving on. Colleen and I were dancing and the song "Nobody Knows" by the Tony Rich Project came on. I haven't heard that since highschool. 1995. 11 years ago. 11!!! Years!!! Ago!!! Seems like forever. Oh, wait a minute, it was.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I voted today.

If you don't vote, you can't complain.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I love cheese. Rory brought a cheese and meat tray to work last night for the guys. After church I noticed he had some leftovers in the fridge. I ate it up. I'm sooo full. It had cheddar, colby, Gouda, and pepperjack cheeses. I love cheese. I should never be left alone with a cheese tray. Colleen helped me some by eating the meat(yuck), but I pretty much finished it off. For some reason when I get home from church I'm always starving anyways, so that combined with a cheese tray. It was sooo good, but now I'm so full. That reminds me, its almost cheese ball time of year. yummm.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


When I was prego I ate peanut butter sandwiches and peanut butter on toast all the time. Since then I haven't had either, but we have been reunited and I am in love again. I forgot how good peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are. yummmmmmy.