Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, I've been having some health issues, mostly thyroid related. Today I had a follow-up appointment. I've had a tender, swollen gland in my neck for awhile. The Dr. thinks its infected and put me on antibiotics. I've discussed with the doctor that I'm breastfeeding,but my mother's intuition told me to double check with the pharmacist if the antibiotic I was prescribed is safe for the baby. Turns out it wasn't. A very rude pharmicist told me I'll just have to not breastfeed for 6 days. I tried to nicely explain that is a very difficult request. Grady has never taken formula before and its not like I can just turn my milk on and off. I'd have to pump several times a day for 6 days to keep up my supply for Grady. As some of you moms might know, this is not an easy task while trying to take care of small children. This woman in the pharmacy was soooo mean to me. Like I was ruining her whole day. Finally, a nice young active duty lady helped me and called my doctor and changed my medication. I'm praying for that nice girl, because she has to work with that mean lady. Some people!


At 8:20 PM , Blogger Steph said...

between reading your blog about Docs and another friend, Frustration!

At 9:03 PM , Blogger emily said...

Um, it's not that hard to call the doctor and ask for a different antibiotic. There are plenty that are safe with breastfeeding. I'm sorry you had to deal with such rude and apparently ignorant pharmacy person.

At 7:40 AM , Blogger Brother Dave said...

The rude pharmacy person must have personal issues that are troubling her. No telling how closely her issue[s] might relate to things maternal.

Regardless the reason, professionals should know to treat their clients with respect and empathy. Going the extra mile for someone is a leadership quality that any employee can possess.

Wishing the best for you, always.


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