Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beagles are embarrassing

I wish my beagle wouldn't eat hair. Well, he doesn't really eat hair, but he has a bad habit of licking the carpet constantly. It drives me crazy. He always ends up eating hair. Even when I vacuum daily, he still has hair eating problems. This morning, he took care of business out back, but he had a hair hanging from his bottom. He was yelping and couldn't get it out. I had to get a kleenex and pull it out of his bottom. So gross!!! The whole time he was yelping like I was beating him. I can only imagine what the neighbors were thinking when they looked out the window to see me wiping his bottom and him yelping for help.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

"The Man Taxi"

Yesterday we were driving to Toys R Us and I got behind this yellow and blue mini van. The name on it was "The Man Taxi" I thought that was kind of an odd name for a taxi.

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Children Are Going To Be Healthy, Wealthy, And Wise

They saying goes "Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Well, my kid's internal alarm clocks are set at 6am. Every day. 6am. This morning they woke up just shy of 6am. 5:55. The funny thing is they tend to wake up right around the same time even though they are in different rooms. My efforts to quiet them back down to sleep with sleepy music in the dark room were unsuccessful. Thank goodness for coffee.

At bedtime we usually read a couple books or I make up a story. Colleen started to make up stories also. Last night it went a little something like this: "This is a story about a slobbery baby boy named Nolan. Grandad, grandma, and me were his daddy. Mommy, daddy and auntie sara were his mommies. One day, daddy came home and told us we were going to the beach. We rode in the car to the beach. We played in the sand and the ocean and picked up sea shells. But, Nolan was too little so he had to just sit and watch. The End"

Kids are cute. I love her stories.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I confess, I am the one that ate cake right out of the pan today. That is why there is a bunch missing and icing missing off some of the cake. That was me. Also, I enjoy watching Gilmore Girl reruns.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

toilet paper

Angel Soft toilet paper really isn't that soft. The name kind of deceives you. Colleen was the first one to complain that it is "scratchy" I used it a couple times this past week to blow my nose and it was very cruel to my nose.

Friday, January 18, 2008

"No Bath Pictures Please Mom"

"Toes Really Don't Taste That Bad"

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sleeping like a baby?

Whoever invented the saying "I slept like a baby," obviously didn't have children.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Poor Children

I like to sing my heart out in the car when I'm driving. The only thing is that I'm a terrible singer, so my poor kids have to hear it. Someday it will embarrass them. That will be fun.

Whenever I come through the front gate, the guards always call me "Mam" when they check my ID. It makes me feel old.

The Cartoon Network has become a very annoying channel. The only cartoon Colleen is allowed to watch on it is Tom and Jerry. All the commercials drive me crazy though. Why do have they to be so noisy? Maybe I am getting old.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I have a cold

I think my head is going to explode with snot. Lets see, the last time I was in the clinic was for Colleen's 3-year check up and then right after that she got the flu really bad. Then the other day I was in for my thyroid and now I have a nasty cold. I'm starting to see a pattern.

Friday, January 11, 2008

need sleep!

I'm running on no sleep. Nolan has not been sleeping at all lately. He hardly naps and wakes up constantly during the night. I can't figure out what the deal is, unless he's going to pop teeth early. I've done a ton of research online about baby and sleep patterns and what not, but most websites don't take in account that all babies are different and some aren't bottle fed. A majority of stuff I've found says the baby should be sleeping through the night by now or waking only once. WHatever!!! If the baby is being nursed its normal for it to wake a couple times during the night. I'm just hoping its a short sleep disturbance that will end soon.
Today I had to go get lab work done up for my thyroid. It was pouring rain and I had to take the kids with me. So, here I am running from the end of the parking lot with a stroller and a 3 year old in the rain. I get all the way to the door and realized I forgot my ID card. So, I had to run with them all the way back (Its a huge lot, so it was far) to get my purse. All the while there were a ton of closer handicap and expectant mother parking spots unoccupied. I think they should have a new mother parking spot. Or even a couple of them. Its a lot harder getting a baby out the car then the belly. Thats just my experience. Or even a "parents with babies when its raining" spot. that would be great. I should write my congressman. Thats never worked for anything, but something crazy might get their attention.

Monday, January 07, 2008

We'll miss Pops

Today we found out that Rory's great grandfather "Pops" passed away. He was going on 103 years old. I have a picture that I love of myself, colleen, Rory's mom, Rory's grandma, and Pops. So many generations in one photo. Colleen was young, but not many kids get to meet their great-great grandparents. I didn't get to see Pops much, but the handful of times that I got to spend with him were so special. He was such a sweet man that opened his heart to people. He spoke openly about his faith, so we all know that he is in heaven celebrating right now. He will be greatly missed though.

Today was such a crazy day. It felt like March, but I'm pretty sure it is still January. I've lived here almost 7 years and I still can't get used to it not being cold in the winter. It is nice to be able to get out to the park and play outside with Colleen, but the weather is confusing my body. I'm having spring fever already. Its too early. I haven't had a chance yet to feel cold and cuddle up in a warm sweatshirt with a hot cup of coffee or cocoa. I haven't had to wear a winter coat or gloves yet. Kinda makes me sad. I like the cold. I was born to live in the cold. I'm totally out of my element here. I can live here 20 years and still not adjust to the warm climate. Thank goodness for air conditioning or I wouldn't survive.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

silly baby
