Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rainy Day

It is a rainy rainy day. If life were a musical, today I would be dancing and singing in the rain with Gene Kelly. Good day to make cookies. Christmas cookies. mmmm. So, today on The Price is Right an old guy made it to the showcase showdown, but he overbid by like 15,000 dollars. So sad. I just watched the German shepard across the street chase off the Fed Ex delivery man. The package just got thrown in the yard. I hope whatever is inside is waterproof.
So, my beagle hates the cold rain. Today he is wearing his homemade long underwear. I could afford to buy him clothes made for doggies, but my friend Bob bought me a losing lotto ticket. Thanks man. Thanks to you I have to continue to buy cheap toilet paper and order from the dollar menu when we eat out.


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