Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking

ok, here's one for you: This morning Rory and I took our sleeping bags to the laundry mat, because they won't fit in my wash machine. We loaded them up and left for a walk and came back and noticed that the one I started second was almost done and the other one was stuck in the wash cycle. So, I waited and waited and came to the conclusion that something was wrong when my second sleeping bag was done. I put it in the dryer and tried to find an employee to fix the other machine. We couldn't find anybody. The office was dark and no one answered when I knocked on the door. There were no signs around with phone numbers or anything. So, I went back to the machine and watched it go round and round. My next option was to just open the door, but the warning on the machine read "DANGER: DO NOT OPEN WHEN IN THE MIDDLE OF A CYCLE. DO NOT PLAY WITH DOOR HANDLE OR STICK HANDS IN MACHINE WHILE OPERATING" I was scared to just open it, because of the big bold letters. Big, Bold letters mean business. It was one of those front loading machines, so I was afraid to open it while it was washing. What if water comes out, or it self-destructs. So, my second sleeping bag finished drying and I still couldn't find anybody to help me. So, I left. I figured it was a 15 year old sleeping bag and I want a new one anyways. I wonder if its still going round and round in the machine.
Yesterday I left my shoes outside, then it rained and rained last night. I didn't remember my shoes until I let my dogs out. They were soaked. Ruined. I'm even steven though, because my mom said she bought me a pair of shoes yesterday.


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