Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Eve Eve

Today is Friday. I didn't realize it was Friday, until not long ago. The days are just flying by. I guess I'm having too much fun with my fam. Tonight Sara and I made a cheese ball for our Christmas Eve Party tomorrow night. While we were making it we got the brilliant idea of making it a cheese ball snow man. I think it turned out swell.
Ok, This is for brian: Thanks for the phone call man. I appretiate the thought, but some of us who have children don't stay up until 1am. Its all good though. You should call me sometime when I'm actually awake.
I found out today that my parents have PGS. Pregifting syndrome. They can't resist giving people gifts before the actual gift-giving occasion. Gotta love them.


At 7:04 PM , Blogger Janel said...

I loved the cheese ball.

At 7:05 PM , Blogger Sara said...

well, it was actually me who wrote I loved the cheeseball... Janel just forgot to signout so it posted in her name. But me, Sara, I LOVED the cheese ball!


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