Monday, December 26, 2005


So, its the day after Christmas. We had a great Christmas. Christmas Eve my sister and I watched Narnia. good movie. Then we came home and made gyros for dinner. Before dinner though, my mom had a relapse of her PGS(pregifting syndrome) and gave colleen one of her Christmas gifts. It was a Charlie Brown doll. She took it to church Christmas Eve. After church we had our traditional Christmas Eve party. We had Its a Wonderful Life on tv and played tribond while we ate cheese ball and stuffed olives. It was a joyous time with lots of laughing.
Christmas morning we were up early. Sara made us breakfast consisting of eggs, biscuits, and sausage gravy. Then we opened presents. Then just relaxed and worked on dinner. Every year we have a different theme for Christmas dinner. This year was Filipino food. We ate lumpia, Filipino chicken, and noodles. It was soooo yummy.
Today my parents left and tomorrow my sister leaves. So sad. IT will be very quiet with out them around. ok. i must go finish watching Montreal. They're playing Atlanta and losing. GO HABS!


At 1:21 AM , Blogger brian said...

I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" on Christmas Eve. Good times. And I ate Filipino food. And I can beat anyone at Tribond.

At 10:58 AM , Blogger Janel said...

You couldn't have beaten us girls on Christmas Eve, because my mom was staying at a Holiday Inn Express.


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