Saturday, December 17, 2005


Today is Saturday. I would like to talk about olives. I love olives. My favorite are green olives. I love garlic stuffed and jalapeno stuffed. Actually I polished off a jar of jalipeno stuffed yesterday. For a snack I eat a piece of cheese and an olive. Sooo yummy. Probably because of all the sodium, but who cares. I noticed there are other varieties of stuffed olives that I am looking forward to trying. I'm excited to try the Greek ones stuffed with feta cheese. so yummy. Speaking of cheese, it is almost time for our annual cheese ball. It is tradition to eat cheese ball and crackers on Christmas Eve. Not just any cheese ball. Homemade. mmmmm. Ahhhhh, the holidays.
This morning I bought a big refill bottle of hand soap. When I returned home, I put my bags down and got my daughter and i lunch and cleaned up. Then I went to put items away from the bags and discovered that my big bottle of soap had leaked all in the bag, and on the carpet. It ruined a gift pack of candles I bought. I had to steam clean the carpet. The good news is if I have any unexpected guests dropping by my house smells of milk and honey softsoap.
My sister comes on Monday. Sooooooo stoked. The countdown is 55 hours and 17 minutes.


At 11:47 PM , Blogger brian said...

Well, well, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. All the cool kids are doing it. I bought body wash today. That's how exciting my day was. But it didn't spill on my carpet.

At 8:48 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I got a side nachos from taco bell today and got home and the cheese had spilled all in side of the bag and was on EVERYTHING.


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