Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 23

Hi everybody. Today was Thursday. My sister and I did a little last minute shopping. Well, many people call it last minute, but I still have 2 days left. Today I had my first and probably only gingerbread latte of the season. it was super yummy, but super overpriced. This afternoon my sister attempted to make homemade egg nogg. it tasted yummy, but then my mom got on her about not cooking it to kill ecoli from the eggs. So, she cooked it and it curdled. It was a super attempt though. It wasn't nearly as bad as her coconut cream pie disaster of 98.
Right now we're watching Elf. If you haven't seen this movie, it is hilarious. IT makes my tummy hurt from laughing so much. I guess you have to have the right sense of humor though. Will Ferrell should have won a "major award"
"I like to smile, smiling is my favorite"


At 5:03 AM , Blogger Sara said...

You shouldn't bring up the cocunut cream pie disaster of 98, thats a low blow...bring back bad memories. :)


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