Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Getting to know Nolan

Nolan is now almost 12 days old. After spending 269 constant hours with him, I've gotten to know a little bit about who Nolan McKinnon is.
Nolan's favorite things to do:
1. Eat
2. Poop (pretty much tied with eating)
3. Sleep
4. Listen to his big sister talk
5. Blast Bethany Dillion in Colleen's room and dance
6. Pee on daddy
7. Listen to the dishwasher when he's crying
8. Watching hockey in the dark

Nolan's dislikes:
1. Being changed
2. Getting a bath
3. Being hungry
4. Going outside when its hot
5. Being put in his car seat


At 9:25 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Awww, what a cutie. Can't wait to meet him at Christmas!

At 4:16 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Good things to learn.

At 12:55 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Sounds like a cool kid!


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