Saturday, October 06, 2007

1 week

I've been home from the hospital for one week. This past week has been crazy with very few hours of sleep. Anybody with a baby and a toddler understand. Other than my big baby boy needing to eat constantly, things are going great. Not that him having a healthy appetite is a bad thing, it just means not much sleep for me. My folks leave tomorrow. So sad. My mom has been such a huge help before and after Nolan was born. I want her to move in. Its hard living so far from the grandparents. Military life though. Today is the air show on base. It frequently sounds like jets are going to fly into the house. Amazingly Nolan is napping through it.
Yesterday Colleen fell asleep holding Nolan. It was so cute. They put each other to sleep. She never naps, so it was a sight to see.


At 6:30 PM , Blogger Steph said...

They are sooooooooooo cute sleeping together!!

At 4:38 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Wow, Janel. They ARE really cute!

At 3:00 PM , Blogger emily said...

precious babies

At 9:21 AM , Blogger Sara said...

I love that picture.


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