Sunday, October 21, 2007

I did it!!!

So, I threw away the bag of candy corn. It was so hard to do, but I did it. I ate it all the way to the trash can. It was a big bag of candy corn. Anyways, I've made the commitment. No candy for me. I've been doing good with the no soda, so I hope I can do the same with the candy. I realized it can't be good for me to eat as much candy as I do. I've heard that sugar actually drains you of energy. I should be making more nutritious choices that will give my body the energy I need. Especially with my lack of sleep. I got about 2 hours last night. Nolan has had me up since 330. He had a rough night. He's so big, that sometimes I forget he's still so new. Only 3 weeks old. He's wearing 3 month clothes. Big guy.
Count em: Almost 6 months with no soda, 3 hours with no candy.


At 6:43 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Good job, Janel! You showed candy corn who's boss, even if it was eating them all the way to the trash.


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