Thursday, October 18, 2007

candy corn

I hate candy corn, but I love candy corn. Candy corn makes me sick, but candy corn is so yummy. I can't have candy corn in the house. I like it so much that I can't stop eating it. I have been doing so good avoiding the candy corn this season, but then I bought some to decorate cupcakes for the kid's halloween party and Rory's work. Of course, I couldn't just decorate the cupcakes. I could not help myself. It started with one in my mouth. Then a couple. Then a handful. Then I couldn't stop. I NEED HELP!!! To end on a positive note, I am now on my 6th month of not drinking soda.


At 7:26 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I love the candy pumpkins. Tonight at the store I couldn't help myself from buying a few from the bulk section. Yum.

At 4:56 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Thats better than buying a whole bag. I wish I could just buy a few from bulk,

At 7:03 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Maybe you should move to the UK... I haven't seen them here.


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