Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Are Elastic Waist Pants Ever Going To Be In Style?

I've gotten so used to wearing maternity pants that I've become lazy when it comes to taking the time to mess with buttons and zippers. It was so easy to just pull up elastic waist maternity pants. Now it takes sooooo much longer to get dressed or use the restroom, because I have to mess with belts and buttons and zippers. In a way I wish elastic waist pants were in style. Will they ever be anything more than old lady pants? I think elastic waist pants are practical and comfortable. Maybe some day they will be stylish, until then I'll just have to deal with my jeans.


At 4:53 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Aren't there jeans with elastic waist bands?

At 4:54 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

BTW: Did you cut your hair?

At 10:52 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Didn't cut my hair yet. I'm scared. I've seen elastic waisted jeans, but I thought they were made for people over age 50.


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