Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Kids say the darndest things

On and off today I've had this twitch on the left side of my nose. This evening I was telling Rory about it. I said "All day, I keep getting this twitch in my nose." Then Colleen comes over to me and says "I'll get it out mommy" and she stuck her finger up my nose.

Tonight we went to watch Rory's football game. Colleen didn't want to sit and watch, so I let her run around the track. She was just running and running and says to me, "Colleen has fast pants on today."

After Rory's football game we were going to go to the base tree lighting ceremony, but after we got in the car I told Colleen we had to stop by the house so mommy can go potty. When we were almost home she says "Go see tree lights, but mommy poopy first."
Kids crack me up.


At 6:45 AM , Blogger Steph said...

so cute! I also like that she wants to share her toys with Sara.

At 4:40 PM , Blogger Erin said...

One of my kids was complaining today about not feeling well. When asked what was wrong she would tell everyone that her "poop was coming out of her butt". Apparently she has been constipated for the last week or so and feels the pressure of not being able to get it out. You never know what kids will say!

At 6:45 AM , Blogger Sara said...

those are really cute. my heart melts when colleen says "love you sara" on the phone.

At 9:42 AM , Blogger emily said...

that cracks me up! hopefully you are writing all these things down in a colleen quote book :)


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