Thursday, November 23, 2006

No more cat posts, I promise

Ok, so this will be my last cat post, but I have to say this: I am cat sitting my neighbor's cats while they are gone for Thanksgiving. All I have to do is make sure they have food and water and feed the fish. I'm pretty sure that's what I'm supposed to do. I really wasn't paying attention when she was telling me. Its either that or feed the fish to the cats, but I don't think that sounds right. I was kind of distracted, because while she was showing me everything the other day her husband was sweeping the floor and I started thinking "I didn't realize people still sweep with the invention of the swiffer." I get distracted so easy.
Ok, so anyways, these cats are sisters I guess. They look the same. One just runs away from me and the other watches my every move and meows when colleen and I talk to it. I wonder if it understands what I'm saying. I hope not, because today I told it she looked fatter than her sister and they were ugly. I said it in a nice tone of voice though.
Anyways, that little annoying cat that wouldn't leave my house has moved to my neighbor's house. Now, when I go to feed the cats I have to fight my way out of the door without it getting in. It wants in soo bad. I thought about it ,but then I thought that could be a cat fight disaster. The cat is starting to look sad, so I'm going to tell my neighbor to either take it or I'm calling the shelter. At least then it will be fed and warm and have a chance at getting a home.
I can't wait for my neighbors to get home on Saturday. Only one more day of cleaning the litter box. Stinky cats.


At 9:09 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I want to leave you with one cute cat story. Oberon (my cat) is almost dog-like. Everytime that you reach to touch him or look at him or talk to him, he purrs and rolls onto his side so he can be petted on the belly. He is weird. Oh and I bought my cousin a marshmallow gun for Christmas so that he can shoot Oberon when he get into something he shouldn't, like the dining room table, the counter tops, the mantle, the plants... He gets into trouble a lot, I think that he has ADHD.

At 6:43 PM , Blogger Steph said...

now what are you going to write about?


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