Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cats are stubborn

Ok, so many of you may know that I am not the biggest cat fan. There is this little black and white cat that keeps coming to my porch and meowing and meowing and meowing. There are several loose cats around and I am sick of picking up cat poop out of my yard. Also, a few months back there was a cat fight on my porch in the middle of the night. I had to clean up cat hair and pee and they destroyed my porch. Anyways, this little black and white kitten is actually a cute cat, but it annoys me. Usually I hiss at it out the window, but today it didn't work. I let my dog Patch out to chase it off. I've never seen a cat run to the sewer so fast. The thing looked scared to death. I thought I solved the problem, but 5 minutes later it was back on my porch. AHHHHHHH!!! For a second I felt guilty for scaring it with my big ferocious dog, but then it came back. I do not feel bad. I should not feel bad. Stupid thing. Stupid cat owners. If I let my dog just roam around during the day, he would get picked up by the pound. Stupid cat owners think they are so special that they can do whatever they want and let their cats poop in other people's yards and roam wherever.
Ok, so all this pent up anger about cats brought back a funny story about my father-in-law and his cat. One day his cat made him super mad, I think it bit him. So he went and got his shotgun and shot the cat as it was running off. He thought he would never see that cat again. But he came back home. The shot must've just grazed him. The stupid thing survived. I guess it still had some of his 9 lives left.
I guess how I feel about cats can be summed up in a phrase Rory's grandfather said about everything "turpentine em."


At 8:12 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I must say I am in awe of your anger. I enjoy good cats. I used to have a good cat growing up that was my friend.

At 4:28 AM , Blogger Erin said...

I am sorry that you haven't had any good experiences with fun cats. We had a lot of fun with Annabella. Now I have a lot of fun with Oberon. I think cats are a great source of amusement. We laugh and make fun of Oberon a lot. That is what you need.

At 7:47 AM , Blogger Sara said...

dumb cats.


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