Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sara is MIA

Ok, so I just wanted to say that Sara hasn't blogged in a long time. I am very upset about this.
Anyways, moving on. Colleen and I were dancing and the song "Nobody Knows" by the Tony Rich Project came on. I haven't heard that since highschool. 1995. 11 years ago. 11!!! Years!!! Ago!!! Seems like forever. Oh, wait a minute, it was.


At 5:10 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Sorry about being MIA... I try to be good. I'm just horrible about sitting down and blogging... ok, here is attempt 990,090 of being a good blogger... I CAN DO IT! I had to get on ITunes and look up the Tony Rich Project cause I couldn't think of the song in my head. but now I know.... I remember that song....


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