Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I voted today.

If you don't vote, you can't complain.


At 7:09 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I drove an hour from school at 7pm and was the last voter right at 8pm.

At 5:44 AM , Blogger Janel said...

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At 5:44 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Good job!!! Thats cool you were the last voter. Did you get your sticker?

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Nope, no sticker. I didnt think that last voter was cool, I felt like the "bad" citizen who was late to vote!

At 12:39 AM , Blogger brian said...

I got a sticker!!!

At 4:38 AM , Blogger Janel said...

Not a bad citizen to be the last voter. You should feel like a good citizen, because you tried to so hard to make it there before the polls closed.

At 5:01 PM , Blogger Sara said...

i loved my sticker all day long


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