Thursday, November 16, 2006


Whoever is willing to come get this cat away from my house can have her. She's a friendly cat, but super annoying. She won't leave me alone. Why does she like me so much? LEAVE ME ALONE CAT!!! She won't get the hint. Do I have to spell it out for her?


At 11:02 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

The cat looks like he wants to go into your house... sorry Janel! I prefer dogs myself but I've become partial to a cat lately (only one so far).

At 9:44 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Maybe he thinks you are a cat lady.

At 7:34 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Want me to pack a gun when I come for Chriatmas? It does look kinda sad... I can put it out of its misery.

At 9:58 AM , Blogger emily said...

silly sara, you can't pack a gun on a plane. they will take you in for questioning and a body cavity search

At 11:15 AM , Blogger brian said...

Does this cat eat mice? And is that Sarah McCain?


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