Sunday, January 01, 2006

Its a New Year

Hello 2006!!! I hope everybody had a swell New Year's. Last night my dad, Rory, and I went to see Montreal play Carolina in Raleigh. It was a great time. Our tickets were 2 rows off the ice. Great seats! I don't know what it is, but a beer tastes so good at a hockey game. Maybe its the plastic cups or the fact that I pay 8 dollars for it, but it was wonderful and refreshing. We didn't get home until after midnight, so we rang in the new year in the car discussing how great my dad's headlights work on his car. When we got home we played some word scramble game until the weee hours. It seemed like as soon as I went to bed Colleen was up for the day. I was pretty tired today, but I just ate a super pretzel with cheez wiz and it boosted my energy.
Today my parents left for home. Its crazy how fast the holidays went by. I was sooo excited to spend Christmas with my parents and sister and it just came and gone so quickly. Makes me kind of sad. My family cracks me up, they're funny and we have such a great time together. I miss them. The good news is my sister is stopping by on Wednesday. She's going to visit for 2 days before she's back home to Idaho. I'm looking forward to just chillin with her. I even bought a new sleeping bag today, so that we can crash in the living room and fall asleep after watching Iron Chef.
Tonight when I was out on my run I saw a cute little dog that ran away from home. He wouldn't come say hi to me. I hope he went home.


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