Tuesday, January 17, 2006

its going to storm again tonight

Its supposed to storm again later today. What is up with this weather? Colleen is coloring a picture right now. Its beautiful. We're going to sneak it in daddy's suitcase. She was up way to early this morning. She usually sleeps till a little after 7, which I can handle, but this morning she was up way early. She's my morning sunshine. Always up bright and early.
Last night we went to dairy queen. I usually get the twist soft serve in a cup, but I decided to try something different and ordered the pecan mudslide. It had pecans and chocolate and caramel. The first few bites were delicious, but then after several delightful mouthfuls my stomach started to tell me it was too much sugar to fast. I couldn't finish it. I think from now on I'll stick with my twist in a cup. In some cases, less is more.
I don't know when I'll beable to blog again, so have a great week.


At 1:04 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Isn't it nice to have morning sunshine. I'm glad that Colleen is your morning sunshine... I don't have a kid so for the time being Sadie is my morning sunshine. :)


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