Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm a hero to my neighbors dog

Its been a long time since I blogged, because Rory has the laptop with him. Sorry to those who read my blog, if there is anybody that does. I know sara does and brian every now and then.
Today I saved my neighbors dog. She was on a chain and jumped the fence and she couldn't move, because the chain was just barely long enough to go over the fence. She was so happy to see me. Her parent's didn't get home for hours and hours, so I was glad I was home. She was very grateful and gave me kisses and I gave her a treat. I love dogs.
This weekend I'm going up to my folk's house for awhile. It will be fun. Colleen loves to be spoiled by her grandparents. She's so cute when she talks to her daddy on the phone. She laughs and hugs the phone and tries to say "I love you", but comes out "la lu lu"
Today on the Price is Right a little old guy bid 449 dollars and then somebody bid 450 and then the last person bid 451. They were so mean to that little old guy. I would never do that. How dare they. Old people rule. I'm going to get a sticker on my car that says "OLD PEOPLE RULE"


At 7:03 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I get to read your blog too! I'm glad you got to save the dog. Tonight when I was letting Sadie out a neigbor dog came running with a young boy behind her yelling, Daisy. Needless to say the boy left with Daisy.

At 7:24 PM , Blogger brian said...

When my mom was on the Price is Right, that happened to her too. She bid 800, then the next guy 801, and the next 802.

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I love old people. There is an old lady that eats all the time alone at the bagel shop. She is so cute. I often want to just join her, but never know if someone would like company or would rather enjoy the solitude...

At 7:58 AM , Blogger Erin said...

Hey I get to read your blog too! I miss my dog, if you can call her mine. Not really. But my aunt and uncle have a big dumb happy dog. He is really cute. His name is Timber.

At 4:09 PM , Blogger emily said...

I have never had a dog. ever. The only pet i've had is a fish, and then it wasn't mine, it was my brother's. It's name was Peter, I think. It died and my brother cried, mourned really.

i heard about your blogsite and that you were wondering if anyone read it so I thought I'd come visit. I like it.


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