Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Easter

So, I spent my Easter sitting in the Emergency Room on Fort Bragg. Colleen had and infection in both ears and swollen tonsils and throat. I hate going to the ER on the army base. You know you are going to sit there forever. We went in a little before noon and finally left around 4pm. It was worth it though, because Colleen was in a lot of pain. She is doing much better now. It was sad though, because she didn't get to wear her pretty Easter dress and she didn't get to hunt for eggs in the yard. I even painted her toe nails pretty purple for Easter. She said to Rory that afternoon "Church didn't get to see my toe nails." It was sad.
The ER on Bragg is like any other emergency room, you aren't seen in the order you arrive. The thing that makes it worse though, is that the army that come in uniform get to be seen in front of everybody in line. After we had been sitting there a couple hours I started to get irritable. I blame it on pregnancy hormones. I started to feel built up anger and hostility towards the person who was called next. I probably gave a few unnecessary dirty looks to people as they walked by me to be seen. I feel bad now about how I felt at the time. Pregnancy makes you crazy like that though.


At 8:30 PM , Blogger Steph said...

poor Colleen. That makes me sad.

At 9:26 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Poor kidoooo. :( I'm sad thats how her easter had to end up. but I'm glad she's doing better.


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