Friday, April 20, 2007

Earth Day

Sunday is Earth Day. I think it is a great day to help clean up, but we also get to listen to Al Gore and every body's brother talk more about Global Warming. Oh Joy. Not like we haven't heard enough lately. I have no problem with trying to keep our planet clean, but have you heard Al Gore? He uses 20 times more energy in his home than the average American household. What ever happened to practicing what you preach? And I've also learned this year that everybody on the planet has a carbon footprint. Did you know this? Did you also know that U.S. travelers can offset their carbon emissions when they fly? Travelers can spend anywhere from $6-$30 to offset their carbon emissions and the money goes to clean energy projects. So, we are paying higher ticket prices, because of fuel cost and then on top of that you can pay even more to offset carbon emissions from traveling. I'm flying in June and I am not taking this option to offset carbon emissions from my traveling. The plane would fly with or without me. I wonder how long it will be before this will be a mandatory fee payed by all air travelers. I bet Al Gore would love that, while all along he flies in a private jet all over the country to promote what some call "the country going green." I wonder how big his carbon footprint is with all the traveling in a private jet.


At 8:02 PM , Blogger emily said...

janel, I can't wait to see you

At 2:18 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Ah... we are feeling to effects of carbon emission charges here in the UK. We are going to Milan next week and bought tickets for $12 round trip each. However, since February we have to pay higher taxes for flights due to the global warming phenomenon. So, we both paid $80 in taxes. Granted that's still really cheap to fly, but because of new laws passed in the UK carbon emission are automatically figured into the taxes.

Anyway, I think the whole concept of offsetting ones carbon emission sins is interesting... it ironically reminds me of pay for your penance. Pay yourself off and you are no longer held accountable...

That sounds like the easy way out.


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