Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Eggs

It was kinda cold today for April in North Carolina. It was only 47 degrees and windy. The local newscasters were cracking me up. They think winter is back. I remember last Easter it was 95 and I almost died. I would much rather have the cool weather and just put on a sweatshirt.
Since it was kinda chilly Colleen and I stayed inside and made the banana pudding dessert with vanilla wafers. Colleen loves making stuff that she can lick the spoons. It is one of Rory's favorite desserts, so Colleen was really excited to make something for her daddy. When we woke him up this afternoon she had to drag him strait to the fridge to show him. Then we dyed easter eggs. That was fun. Its fun to see kids get excited about stuff.


At 5:05 PM , Blogger Steph said...

That dessert is good. I was sad about not having the chance to color eggs this year


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