Thursday, April 19, 2007


So, today we signed for a 3 bedroom house on base to have a room for the baby. We move in May 1st. That is a week from Tuesday. I am so not ready to move. I don't even have boxes. I have a huge pro and con list for moving, but even though the house is smaller and way older, the pros outweighed the cons. I think I'll feel better when we have our stuff moved in there and settled. Colleen is super excited about having a new house. She says "we have to move because we're going to have a baby sister and I'm going to be a big sister." It is soo cute. I guess she'd rather have a baby sister than brother, because that is what she keeps telling us she's having. This morning she told me my belly is bigger because her baby sister is in there. I have an ultrasound on May 14th, but I don't think we'll find out what we're having. We didn't with Colleen and it was a lot more fun not knowing. Oh yeah, 2 months from today we'll be in Idaho. Hooooray. Can't wait to see you sara.


At 7:09 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I don't like the moving process

At 1:39 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

You would think that people who are use to moving so much would get use to the process... I hope it's swift for you guys.

At 8:40 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Can't wait to see you!!!!!
You can't find out what you're havin'.... its tradition.


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