Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Summer is here

I know it is Spring time, but here it is hot. Summer is here. Shorts weather. Time to blind people with my white legs. Maybe I'm just a little more sensitive to the heat, because I'm prego and my belly is getting big. Today I took Colleen to lunch at Chic Fila. She had a coupon for a free kids meal. After we ate I let her play on the indoor playground while I sat in the air conditioning, drinking iced tea. She found a little boy to play with. He was probably 5 years old. There were a ton of kids in there, but she picked an older boy to play with. I wonder what her father would say about that.
I love eating at chic fila. It is my favorite fast food place. I really like the one here, because they have some really cute older ladies working there. They always come around to see if we need refills on our drinks. Today they came around giving everybody chicken biscuit samples and they gave colleen a cup of ice cream. Nice place. The parking lot was packed by the time we left with a really long drive thru line. They had an employee out there directing traffic and helping people like me get out of there. That is above and beyond any other fast food place.


At 7:18 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I think it is amazing that you are saying it is summer shorts weather there because it is snowing here right now and really cold!


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