Sunday, April 30, 2006

Can cheez whiz go bad if left out?

The other day I got some cheeze whiz out of the fridge to dip my super duper yummy pretzel in and I forgot to return the cheez whiz back to the fridge. It was left out all night. Does anybody think its safe to eat? It was a new bottle, I'd hate to throw it away.

I'm addicted

I've become addicted to Pepsi. I don't know how it happened. I just came to the realization recently that I can't go a day without a Pepsi. Yes, me, the same Janel that went over five years without drinking any kind of carbonated beverage. I used to not drink soda at all. I think it started after I became a mother. The need for afternoon caffeine just became so great and sometimes a hot coffee doesn't sound good in the summer and sometimes an iced tea just doesn't do the trick. I just hope this little addiction doesn't lead to more hardcore beverages like mountain dew. I need help!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Back from the beach

We're back from the beach! I had a great time. It was so much fun just to go out of town with Colleen and Rory. I think everybody needs to take little road trips every now and then. The beach was beautiful. Our hotel overlooked the beach. We went out super early this morning and collected seashells and played in the sand. It was fun. Colleen loved everything about the beach, except the water. She did not like the water. Our hotel also had several pools and lazy rivers, but Colleen did not want to go in them. I guess she's not a water baby after all. Thats ok, she might just end up preferring the mountains like me. Yesterday We went to the aquarium. She loved that. She loved the sharks. She can't say the word "shark", so when we're talking about them she points at her teeth and says "teeeeeeth." I guess she likes their big teeth. If any of you like krispy kreme donuts, you should go to myrtle beach. They were on every block.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


We're going to Myrtle Beach tomorrow. We'll be back late Thursday. I can't wait. Since We're going to be there just one night we decided to go for the beach front resort. I love military discounts!! Its going to be fuuuuunnn!!! It'll be nice, because after Thursday Rory doesn't have a day off until next weekend. That seems long when its 12 hour shifts. ok. Just wanted to say if you want to reach me this weekend I'll be at the beach.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Happy Easter. We dyed eggs yesterday. fun times with a one year old. Colleen had fun plopping the eggs in the dye and putting stickers on the eggs. Its hot today. We're going to BBQ. YESSSSSS!!!! I love to BBQ!!! Hope everybody has a swell weekend.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I just came in from cleaning the windows on my car. I'm so stinkin' sweaty and I have a headache. I'm so going to die in the heat and humidity this summer. I've been here so many summers, I don't know how I've made it through. The high this weekend is 92. With humidity on top of that. UGHHHHH!!! I just wanted to complain. Rory just called and told me hopefully it will be the last summer. Who knows though.
On a happy note, today I was at the mall while my car was getting inspected. I bought a cute pair of pants to wear for Easter. That's not my story though. Colleen and I stopped by the chic fila in the food court to get an iced tea and split some fries. Colleen was in her stroller, so I just pushed her up to the table since we would only be there a few minutes. This cute little old guy got up, walked across the food court to ask me if I wanted him to get a high chair for colleen. I told him that we were just sitting down for a minute, but thanked him for his kindness. After he got back to his table another little old guy sat down with him. IT was his identical twin!!! There is nothing cuter than old people, so two of them that looked exactly alike really made me smile. I love old people. Sara- some year we need to go to the twin convention in Ohio, so we can hang out with all the little old twins. :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm a very visual person

I'm a very visual person. When people tell me stories I always visualize what they are telling me. Sometimes somebody will tell me something or I'll see something and a visualization just pops in my head. For example, I saw this store called "Beer Zoo" in PA. I automatically pictured a bunch of monkeys jumping around the store with beer bottles in their hands. I think its a funny name for a liquor store. I had to take a picture. My in-laws thought I was a little crazy. I don't know maybe I am just weird.
Here is a funny story for you to visualize: Colleen loves stickers. If I want to keep her busy for awhile I'll give her stickers to play with. Today she found the stickers, so I gave a few sheets to her. I was on the floor and she stuck them all over me. When it was time for her nap, I thought "I'll put her down and then get these stickers off of me." I don't have a short term memory though, so I forgot all about them. I cleaned up the house and did some laundry and then went out side to talk with Rory while he worked on the yard. Our neighbor came out and I was talking to her for awhile before I realized I still had stickers all over my back and butt.