Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm a very visual person

I'm a very visual person. When people tell me stories I always visualize what they are telling me. Sometimes somebody will tell me something or I'll see something and a visualization just pops in my head. For example, I saw this store called "Beer Zoo" in PA. I automatically pictured a bunch of monkeys jumping around the store with beer bottles in their hands. I think its a funny name for a liquor store. I had to take a picture. My in-laws thought I was a little crazy. I don't know maybe I am just weird.
Here is a funny story for you to visualize: Colleen loves stickers. If I want to keep her busy for awhile I'll give her stickers to play with. Today she found the stickers, so I gave a few sheets to her. I was on the floor and she stuck them all over me. When it was time for her nap, I thought "I'll put her down and then get these stickers off of me." I don't have a short term memory though, so I forgot all about them. I cleaned up the house and did some laundry and then went out side to talk with Rory while he worked on the yard. Our neighbor came out and I was talking to her for awhile before I realized I still had stickers all over my back and butt.


At 1:24 PM , Blogger Sara said...

The Beer Zoo... I like it. Thanks for the picture, thought it was Funnnay.
remember the time we put barretts in dads hair and he went to the store.

At 4:58 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Loved the visualization of you talking with a neighbor wearing stickers. Does your neighbor now think your strange?

At 7:12 PM , Blogger Erin said...

The liquor stores out here are all called "Party Store"s. That is what all of the signs say. It confused me for a while. Plus they seem to be everywhere. At least the store you saw is more honest in what is sells.


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