Tuesday, April 18, 2006


We're going to Myrtle Beach tomorrow. We'll be back late Thursday. I can't wait. Since We're going to be there just one night we decided to go for the beach front resort. I love military discounts!! Its going to be fuuuuunnn!!! It'll be nice, because after Thursday Rory doesn't have a day off until next weekend. That seems long when its 12 hour shifts. ok. Just wanted to say if you want to reach me this weekend I'll be at the beach.


At 2:33 PM , Blogger Erin said...


At 3:59 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Beach... we just got snow! Crazy. I like the beach. But I love the snow and mountains. Have fun at the beach! takes lots of pictures

At 1:24 AM , Blogger brian said...

beach is fun


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