Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm home

I'm home. I got home on Friday, but I didn't have my computer until today when Rory got home. :) Colleen was so excited to see him and so fired up. She was just running around like a crazy girl. I think she was showing off for her daddy. Its a really warm day here. Winter is definitely over here. I love spring time, but I get kind of depressed when it starts getting warm here. Summer is fun, I love summer, but it is sooo hot and humid here. Day and night. No opening the windows to cool off at night. The humidity actually drains me of my energy. Sara knows what I'm talking about. When you walk out of your house and the air feels so thick. yucky!!! I am so grateful I have Air conditioning though. It has gone out every summer, but they end up fixing it within a day or 2.
I have a confession to make. My parents are addicted to American Idol. They don't miss it. My mom knows it, but my dad is in denial. He says something like "Isn't that show on tonight? You know the you can be a star one." I answer "you mean American Idol dad?" He says "Yeah, stupid Idol. I guess your mom will be watching that and I'll watch hockey in the other room." Later that night or the next day in a conversation with my dad he'll say "Did you watch that one Idol show? Who do you think is going to go home tonight? I think that Kevin is definitely going home." I ask him "So, you watched it last night?" He says "oh, no your mom watched it." Later, talking to my mom she tells me that dad can't help but watch it. I just think its funny.


At 12:38 PM , Blogger emily said...

yea! rory's home!! enjoy your little family.

At 1:56 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Yeah, thats funny about dad. There was a lady at my gym asking everyone, "do you watch american idol." Everyone said NO. I was thinking "I bet someone watched it... all these women are probably in denial"


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